Chapter Five

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The sunset looks beautiful. A mirage of pinks, oranges, yellows, and purples unified bringing a sense of clarity. It eased the storm of anxiety I felt. I was walking home. From what? I don't know. I started up the steps to the apartment and gave the sunset one last look. I turned my attention back to the apartment. The door was slightly left ajar. I thought it odd but static started to fill the corners of my vision. I hesitantly pushed the door open, "Akira?" No response. The hallway was dark but I could see the TV from down the hall. No lights were on so I instinctively flicked on the light. Red. The house was trashed and blood was splattered everywhere. The static became more intense. My body felt heavy and I was moving so slowly. I saw blood smeared across the floor and followed it around into the kitchen. The static now flickering across my vision making details impossible to see. All I could see was a figure slumped on the floor in a pool of blood. Akira.


I woke up on the floor of my bedroom on all fours. The door flung open and Akira flew in, "Nozomi! Oh my god! Are you okay?" I looked up at her before my stomach finally caught up to me. I hunched over and hurled on the floor. Akira screeched, "Oh god! Oh god! Let me get a towel and a trash can!" I wiped the remnants on my face off with the back of my hand. What the hell was that? Why do I keep having freakish dreams? I'm so sick of it. Akira came back with a garbage bag and a towel. She handed the trash bag to me. I took it gratefully and sat back up on my bed. She went to clean the floor and she asked, "What was this dream about? I've never actually seen you so affected by one." I stayed silent, playing the horrific dream back in my head. The memory made me hurl into the garbage bag that I had been provided. She sat up and looked at me surprised, "Was it that bad?" I couldn't stop vomiting. She waved her hands, "One sec! Let me go get you something to drink! Maybe I can find something to settle your stomach!" She took the dirtied towel with her and scurried off. I finally was able to stop as soon as Akira came back. She handed me a glass of water and a handful of Tums. I toss back the powdery tablets and wash them down with the water. I could still taste the vomit and it made me shudder. Akira sat on the bed next to me, "You know you can talk to me." I groan, "I know. It was a really bad dream." My head ached and I pushed back on my temples, "I think it was a dream about you dying." The room went deathly silent. All I could hear was my heart still racing. I tried to relax.

Akira stiffly laughed, rubbing the back of her head, "Are you sure? Are you even okay to do the exam today?" I collapsed onto the bed, "I have no other choice but to take it. Our lives depend on it." She laughed genuinely this time, "Your life depends on it." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." She sighed, sounding like she's given up on me, "Well it's 4 in the morning. If you can, try to get some more sleep. You don't have to be at the academy for another 5 hours." I nodded. She looked at me softly before finally stretching and getting up. She helped me under the covers. Before leaving, she looked back once more, "I love you Nozomi. More than anything. You're everything I could have asked for in a daughter. Thank you for being my reason to get stronger." I peaked out from the covers, "What is this sappy stuff? Are you sure you're not running a fever?" She laughed, "Get some rest kiddo. I'll see you in a bit." I interjected before she could leave, "Wait!-" She paused. I couldn't help but be flustered. I stuttered, "I-I l-love you too!" She smiled and it filled my heart with warmth. Closing the door, the room became dark again. I didn't think I would be getting back to sleep but after that, I feel a bit better. I closed my eyes and felt I would finally get some solid rest.

Beep! Beep! Beep! I growled, "Fuuuuu-" I slammed my palm on my alarm clock. The sun shone through my bedroom window barely peeking through the curtains. The streams of light that fell through the cracks were the only sources of light. I stretched and crawled out of the hot blanket burrito. I sloppily threw my bed back together before stumbling out into the hall. A sweet aroma hit my nostrils and my mouth watered. I followed the sweet scent into the kitchen. Akira was pulling out cinnamon rolls from the oven and placed them on the stovetop. Confused, I asked, "What's this?" She jumped, "Dammit Nozomi!" I laughed. Flustered she threw the oven mitts on the counter, "I wanted it to be a surprise. You're always making breakfast for me before I go to work. I thought I would try to do something for your big day." I hovered my nose and inhaled the cinnamon rolls' sweet scent, "They smell delicious." She scoffed, "I'd hope so, I bought them from the store. All I had to do was follow the instructions." I turned and smiled at her, "Thank you. I appreciate the thoughtfulness." She blushed, still a little flustered, "It was nothing. I can't mess up something this simple." I laughed and hugged her curvaceous body. We laughed before she took a sniff. She pushed me off and pinched her nose, "No offense but you reek of vomit." I huffed, "Well I was puking my guts out at 4 this fine morning." She shoved me towards the bathroom, "Shower and brush your teeth before you think about getting some of these tasty delicious rolls." "Ooo~ that sounds like a promise," I turned and gave her a flirtatious wink. She turned beet red, "I just hit my thirties, you brat child! Grow up some before you start thinking of those things!" She slammed the bathroom door behind me and I couldn't help but laugh.

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