Chapter Twenty-Five

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**Long Chapter Warning**

 When I woke up, my body felt heavier with another body on top of me. I was a little cold and I realized I still didn't have any pants on. I instantly heat up with embarrassment. I attempted to wriggle out from underneath when said body latched on. The body let out a soft groan, "Aaaye. Where do you think you're going?" I let out a grunt as I kept trying to pry free, "A shower dammit!" Ka-chan finally lifted his head lazily from the mattress and gave a weak smile as if drunk on sleep, "Not without me, you're not." I gave up and began to rub my temples, "Why me?" I stuck a hand up and slathered it over Bakugo's face, "Wake the hell up!" He began to swat at it, "H-Hey! Knock it off dumbass!" I barked back, "I will when you get off of me." With my hand smooshed against his face, he growled, "Fine!" He rolled over and proceeded to crawl further into the covers. I yelled, scrambling after him, "Oh hell no! Not with your sweaty cum stained clothes!" He threw a pillow and it landed square against my face. We both paused as the pillow flopped down on the bed in front of me. I let out a low growl, "Did you just-" He rolled with laughter, "You should see your face right now!" I felt the vein on my forehead bulging, "I'll show you a good laugh-" I slid a hand underneath his shirt and grabbed at his side. With Empath, his laughter intensified, "Wa-Wai-Wait! Ted- Bear!" I giggled as his roaring laughter was becoming contagious, "Not so funny anymore is it?" He wheezed, "T-Teddy Be-Bear! St-Stop! Please!" I sighed with satisfaction, "I guess I can stop- When you say this is my win!" His face started turning red as he tried to control it, "N-No way!" I gave a cheeky grin, "Then I guess I won't let go until you piss yourself." He tried swatting at my arm weakly, as his breath rattled with laughter, "Ok-Okay! F-Fine you win!" I let go and his laughter ceased.

He was panting, "That was dirty." I laughed, "It's okay. I won after all!" He weakly raised a fist, "I'll get you back for this!" I snorted, "Tough talk for someone who almost pissed themself." He forced a growl through a smile, "Why I oughta-" I snickered, "What? Kick my ass? I'd like to see you actually try someday." He scoffed, "Don't act like I won't." I smiled as I reached over and ruffled his hair, "Let's take a shower, giggles." He laughed and batted my hand away, "Whatever dumbass." I helped him to the shower. I left him to get the shower started while I grabbed towels. When I got back, he was stripped and about to step in. I blushed, "Man, I can't get used to that." Overhearing me, he halted before stepping in. He looked up, a mischievous smile crossing his face, "You're coming right?" I tried to stifle a laugh as I placed the towels on the counter, "I can't take you seriously when you say that naked." With my back turned to him, Bakugo attacked and started pulling off the crusty hoodie. I screeched and tried to cover myself. He laughed and grabbed me by the arm, "You can't be embarrassed at this point." I pouted as he finished undressing me and we stepped into the shower, "You have to admit that this isn't normal." I was pulled into an embrace and water fell over us. He murmured, "We're happy though, right? So what does it matter if it isn't normal?" I felt my heart skip a beat. I laced my arms around him, resting my face against his chest, "You're right." I felt at ease with Bakugo. Even when we fought and bickered, he's the only one that makes me feel anything. He made me feel real. As if I've been floating a pool of sadness, he drug me back into reality. I squeezed him tightly in my arms. He ran his fingers through my sopping wet hair, "Nozomi?" I whimpered, "I'm sorry. I had to make sure that this is real."

He let me have my silence a few moments longer. He grabbed the bottle of shampoo and squirted a handle fun into his palm. He looked at me with a sinister smile. I let go and backed into the corner, "What're you doing?" He gave an evil laugh, "You scared?" I pointed defensively, "When you come at me like that, then of course anyone would be!" He launched his attack, "Good! You should be!" He slapped on the shampoo on my scalp and massaged vigorously. I mockingly cried, "Oh no! The torture!" He laughed, "Just wait until this shit is in your eyes." I pouted, "Now that's just cruel." He ignored me and he continued to smile as he shampooed my hair for me. It was because of him, the storm inside me subsides. I grabbed the bottle and poured some shampoo into my hand. He stopped, "What are you doing?" I reached up and began to rub the shampoo into his wet hair. I gave a cheeky grin, "Your turn!" He scoffed but the smile didn't leave his face.

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