Chapter six (graduation)

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"No" I replied in complete shock,
"Do you know if pela does? "Kells whispered to me, the service had already started and we didn't want to be too noisy.

"No but I doubt she doesn't seeing the two were like this "I said crossing my fingers together. 
"Yeah but anyway have anyone seen her or atleast heard from her I've been looking round and she doesn't seem to be here" I said whispering to both of them.

"Nope "
"Nope" they both replied I sighed in defeat,
"--Shhh" Mrs Morgan said when she walked past us,


The memorial was over and the graduation was almost over, I had been looking at my phone every two minutes waiting for a text from dash, pela and Chris but neither of them had texted, I was really worried about pela she did witness the murder right beside her.

And to top things up my dad was nowhere to be found! I was so pissed at him but decided not to think about him anymore.

I was presently with kelly, olivia, killian, ryan, kevin, mira, nira and some of my other class mates and we were all taking pics,

"Jesus kelly! Isn't that enough! " ols said playfully.

"No this might be the last time we ever see each other so I want to have every picture of it " kelly said sadly and we all cried,

"Don't get cheesy with me guys" kelly said laughing but we all knew she was crying deep down, kelly was very emotional especially when it came to us.

"Guys is it weird that I feel bad that we are here happy while Coles family is out there grieving? " Kevin asked,

"No, I think he'd want us to be happy right? " nira said rubbing kevin's shoulder.

"Yeah" we all replied, I looked around and then someone caught my eyes it was chris and he was with his parents.

"Guy's excuse me but I've gotta go" I said and left them, my eyes never leaving chris as I pushed through the crowd.

"Hey Chris, Mr and Mrs Finch! "I greeted and they all turned to look at me, in less than a second they smiled realizing it was me , chris parents loves me.

"Hey jollie how are you" Mrs Finch said I cringed at my name alittle but smiled because of her sweet British accent.

"Hey"I replied and smiled at them.

"Hey sweet" chris said smiling at me and I blushed.

"Hey jollie you know you can always call us Craig and daphiend right? " Mr finch said,

what did I tell you they love me.

"Oh sorry I just keep forgetting " I said, I couldn't stop smiling like I had opened a present on Christmas morning.

"Its alright" they both said in unison,

"So today I was looking for pela and chris but I only found chris I just wanted to know how she's holding up" I said and watched as sadness clouded their vision,

"She's been sad since the incident and has been on lockdown mode since, she couldn't even come for her graduation " daphiend said sadly.

"Oh that's so sad maybe I could swing by later on and see how she's doing" I said sadly.

"Please do because she hasn't left her room not even to eat " Craig said sadly,

"I will try that's if dad doesn't need me " I said and they both thanked me.

"I'll be back Rj I want to go get something, dad, mom please don't bore her " Chris said playfully and they both laughed, just before he left he pecked my cheek and I blushed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2020 ⏰

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