Chapter 15: Home Is Where the Heart Is

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A/N: A quicker update for y'all, I was typing last night while waiting for Chromatica (which is so damn awesome btw, I can't stop listening to it:) I hope you enjoy and have a good weekend!


My heart has found a home now, my lips know where to rest
My heart has found a home now, a home that suits it best
My eyes know who to see now, one side my whole life through
My eyes know what to see now, for they see only you
They say home is where the heart is, where the heart is love endures
And the very nicest part is, my heart's at home with yours

– Dean Martin: My Heart Has Found a Home Now –


The private plane was stunning, decorated in tasteful shades of cream and white; it had comfortable leather chairs and a couch, television screens and little fridges, everything extremely opulent but still sophisticated, nothing too ostentatious. Stefani chuckled at the expression on his face, leaned to press a gentle kiss onto his cheek.


"Thank you." Bradley squeezed her hand, turned to glance at Mike over his shoulder; his friend and neighbour looked just as amazed as he felt. "This is a lot for us country boys to take in, huh?"

"No kidding; at least you have some previous experience of Hollywood," Mike sighed, shook his head. "The last time I was even on a plane, it was a very long and very uncomfortable flight squished in the fully booked economy class from DC. This is in another league entirely."

Natali grinned, tugged him to a pair of chairs and Bradley made his way along the aisle slowly, exploring; the bathroom was naturally far fancier than on commercial aircrafts, a food preparation area at the back so clean it practically gleamed, everything neatly organized. Rob, the very friendly, jovial pilot had met them upon arrival to Billings airport, happily catching up with Stefani and Natali and immediately agreeing when Bradley had carefully enquired about the possibility of visiting the cockpit once they were airborne. There had always been a little boy in him that was utterly fascinated by planes and the mechanics of flying, now filled with such excitement.

Stefani followed him and he turned, his eyes taking her in, a little sigh leaving him at how absolutely breathtaking she looked today; she was in a pair of black, tight jeans that fit perfectly and a green top reflecting in her eyes, a pair of sunglasses pushed onto the top of her head, long wavy hair on a high ponytail. A tiny bit of mascara made her eyes pop again, her lips brushed with the gloss that Sarah had donated to her from her stash; most of it had already ended up onto his mouth as he hadn't been able to stop kissing her all morning.

"Hi, beautiful," he muttered, reaching his hand to her. "Come here."

A small smile drifted across her face and she stepped closer, grasped his fingers, her incredibly green eyes warm as she leaned up for another tender kiss. "Are you okay, B?"

"Definitely." He nodded, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Just... astonished by this plane."

"Yeah; I was too, at first." She leaned her cheek onto his chest. "I'm so grateful to have all this; I travel a lot and I know I'm unbelievably lucky to have my own plane and the best pilot too, who ensures we're all safe. It was a necessity to buy this, as flying commercial is not the safest thing for me, but I definitely don't take any of this for granted."

"I know." He caressed her soft hair, still so amazed by how she was so humble, despite her status and everything she had achieved in her life; just that morning before their departure for Billings, she had pulled on huge rainboots and made her way to the chicken coop, collecting a large basketful of eggs with Mary, then preparing a very delicious breakfast for everyone. Bradley still wasn't entirely sure how she had managed to break the eggs so perfectly with one hand, but somehow she had; not a single piece of shell had made it to the finished product, the nicest scrambled eggs he remembered having for a while.

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