Chapter 17: Tell Me a Secret

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I will come, no I won't run
I'm not scared to care

Come to me when you're in need
Set it free, let the truth breathe
Tell me all your secrets, tell me all your fears
I won't push you away, I'll only pull you near
No I won't judge you, and I'll help you through
Tell me all your secrets, sharing your pain
Confess it all in me, no matter tell me your name
No I won't judge you, and I'll help you through

– Kelly Clarkson:  Let Your Tears Fall –


It was a agonizing wait, an absolutely endless morning, but finally the familiar car appeared on the driveway, and the sisters almost tripped on each other while rushing out of the house, running straight into their parents' waiting arms. It was such comfort, such familiarity, and Stefani felt so much love surrounding her, clinging onto her father and feeling her mother caress her hair.

"Oh darlings. It's so good to see you." Cynthia kissed their foreheads, wiped some tears from her face, her eyes wide as she took in her surroundings, the lush fields, the horses in their paddocks and the mountains in the distance, breathtaking against the deep blue sky. "Goodness, look at this place. Christ, Joe, how gorgeous is this?"

"Pretty damn nice," he agreed, rubbing his younger daughter's shoulders tenderly; Stefani moved into her mother's embrace, leaned against her, sniffling.

"Hi, mum."

"Hi, my love." Cynthia kissed her temple, touched the sling gently, grasping her fingers. "How are you feeling? Any pain still?"

"Not really, just a bit of bruising." She closed her eyes for a moment, feeling very content, tenderly grinning at the equally happy-looking Natali. "It's so amazing you guys are finally here. This little kid here was totally intolerable all day yesterday; she just couldn't wait at all and she kept asking if it was Monday yet."

Joe and Cynthia laughed, and her sister rolled her eyes, gave her arm a soft slap. "I may have, but it wasn't me who's been pacing a hole onto the living room floor through the morning; I managed to stay seated. Mostly."

"Guilty as charged." She chuckled, followed her mother's eyeline to the house's front door; Bradley was just stepping out, holding Lea, the little girl looking especially adorable in a new blue dress Kate had bought her. Charlie snuck out behind them too, very excited to meet some new people; Joe leaned down to fondle him happily and Cynthia nodded at the duo, giving a warm smile.

"Hello, you two."

Stefani took a deep breath, tears rising into her eyes immediately; it felt like she had been waiting for this moment for so long, for her parents to properly meet Bradley, meet the love of her life face to face and not only on the phone screen. In fact, she had been waiting to introduce the right person ever since she had been a little girl, hoping and dreaming that one day this would be reality, and the occasion held such special significance that her voice trembled clearly, her entire being full of emotion. Cynthia hugged him tightly, kissed Lea's cheeks; Joe squeezed his hand and studied him with slightly narrowed eyes for a moment before pulling him into an embrace too.

"So, you are the guy who has stolen my Stefani's heart?" Her father grinned at him, tickled Lea's side, receiving a big smile that obviously charmed him straight away. "Although, judging by what I've heard, a rather large part of it belongs to this princess too. Hello, beautiful girl; it's very nice to meet you."

Bradley chuckled, surrendered his daughter over and grasped the blonde's hand. "Well, it looks like she's adding another heart to her collection; it really is quite substantial already."

"Yes, you are a little charmer, aren't you?" Joe smiled at the toddler, patting her nose gently, making Lea giggle happily. "Have you been to Italy yet? If not, you need to ask your daddy and Stefi to take you very soon."

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