6). Skateboard

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Stanley and I walk in silence. He clings onto my side. He's a little bit shorter than me, only going up to my shoulder. "Here." I open my locker as he still has his arms around me. Shaking. "I'm sorry Stanley." I hug him as he sobs. "I really am." I rub my hand on his back until he stops crying. "Here's the shirt." A white shirt. Something that would go under a button up. I do wear button ups but not that much. "T-Thank you."

He walks to the bathroom. Eyes puffy and glued to the ground. I grab onto him again and we start to the cafeteria again. Beverly and Mike stand outside of the cafeteria doors waiting for us. To soon hug us. "I'm sorry Stanley." Mike says gripping onto him first. Beverly grabs his face and wipes the tears away. "I'm sorry hun." She hugs him and we walk back into the cafeteria. "Do you want anything?" I whisper as every stares. "Not really." He says. "I can get you an ice cream or a soda or something." I say as he nods his head. Putting it back onto the table.

I grab a blue and yellow vanilla cone. (We have those at my school and I thought they had a flavor but it's just vanilla ice cream with a color. Idk why I thought they had a flavor. I only realized after reading the paper thing. 😂) And bring it back to the table. "Here Stanley." I smile as he takes it and thanks me. "Thank you guys." He says as he eats a bit of it." "Anything for Stan the Man." He laughs a bit.

*After school
Beverly and Mike catch up to me. We soon spot Stanley sitting outside. "Hi Stanley." He smiles and hugs me. "So what are you guys doing this evening?" Mike asks as I jump onto my skateboard "I don't know to be honest." Stanley says. "Let's go to the quarry." Beverly suggest. "Sure." I roll around. "Come here Stanley." He walks over to me. "Step onto the skateboard.

He steps up hesitantly but finally does it. I grab onto his waist and his back recoils a bit but went back to perfect posture. Beverly grabs our back packs and hands one to Mike. "Bend your knees a little." "I swear Richie if you let me go, I will murder you." He laughed a bit but still serious. Putting his hands on mine. My face turned a bit red. But not enough for anyone to notice.

"Here I'm gonna let go and you're gonna just ride." "Richie no" he giggled as I let go. I ran behind to stop him. "Richie I'm gonna kill you." As he stepped off he jumped at me. We ran all across the road, Stanley chasing me and Beverly and Mike laughing.

We soon reached my house. "I'll see you guys later, bye Staniel, bye Micycle!"

Word Count:492
Idk what this part is to be honest

"I Don't Need Help" //Reddie AU Where stories live. Discover now