40). Ice and Movies

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*Richies POV
Eddie smiles as he looks at his phone, soon looking out of the window. I duck, falling onto the floor. "Richie are you okay!?" Connor yells up.

"Yup, just broke my ankle, cracked it!"
(If you get that reference thank you😂💕)

I look back out the window. Eddie laughs hard, throwing his head back.

5:45 pm
E: are you okay? Lol
R: yea totally fine, didn't almost get a concussion
E: oh wow lol
R: I'll be over there in a bit
E: okay everyone will be here around 6
R: okay bet
E: :)

Eddie looks out the window one last time. Smiles and goes into his room.

My heart flutters at the little ':)' text. I don't know why but it does.

Finally Connor and I get everything we need for the next night. "Come on baby, lets go." I smile, intertwining my hand with his. "Is Eddie gonna be there?" "Y-yeah." I gulp, hoping he's not gonna hit my side or something. "Ok cool."

My brain fills with confusion. Finally we cross the street to their house.

*Eddies POV
*knock knock*
Opening the door I know who it was gonna be. "Hi Richie, hi Connor." I fake smile at him. "Hi Eddie." He returns one. I look up at Richie who is smiling at Connor. "Come in." I move out of the way and motion them inside.

Soon Bill comes down the stairs, not acknowledging they're here. Richie seems like he understood why. Soon Stanley wakes down stairs. "Hi Richie." He smiles "You can put your bags anywhere."

Btw I'm kinda thinking of Bill and Stanley's house as like a mansion. It's nicer than Richies so it's bigger and brighter inside. But since it's in the same neighborhood their houses are almost all the same.

Richie puts his bags at the end of the stairs, apparently holding Connors bag also.

*Time skip*
After a while Mike, Ben and Beverly arrive. We all sit down to eat. "You guys we should watch Captain America winter solider!" "Why just that one?" I say as I bite into a fry. "Because Bucky is beautiful." Beverly giggles at her own comments. "So are you Ben."

Bro I binge watched marvel movies and Bucky, Loki, spider man (the tom Holland version) and Mysterio are my favorites. Bc like why not 😚😂🥰

"I mean you're not wrong." Stanley says, making Bill choke on his drink. We all laugh really hard. Richie doesn't come up with a come back. "I agree." I speak up.

Bro there's an edit on Instagram of Bucky and I- omg I love it (follow me on Instagram @soft.smilingwyatt)

Bill nods his head a bit. "Let's just all agree Sebastian Stan is beautiful." Beverly says putting her head on Bens shoulder. He all nod our head in agreement. Surprisingly so does Richie and Connor. "Ok bet." Beverly chuckles.

Soon we all migrate to the couches. On the sofa Connor, Richie, me and then Mike. Richies arms behind Connor and I. I try my hardest to sit as small as I can, if that makes sense. Bill and Stanley sit in a recliner together.

(I couldn't remember which name went with which piece of furniture i cousins remember what name went with Sofa I- 😂)

Ben and Beverly sit against the sofa. I play with her hair.

*Time Skip
About in the middle of the movie I go to use the bathroom. "I'll be right back." Walking to the bathroom I listen to what is happening. Richie laughing at the small jokes Marvel cracks.

Finally I use the bathroom and go to wash my hands. "Knock knock." A familiar voice sits behind the door. "Richie?" I open the door. He smiles. "Hi 'Chee." I smile drying my hands off. "Forgot that nickname if I'm completely being honest. Sitting on the side of the tub he pulls his shirt up.

"He squeezed me too tight again." I look at his side. The scratches from me are faded, the new ones still there. I mean duh. New bruises forming, the big one still pretty dark but faded. The ones from Connor a very light shade.

*Richies POV
"Why?" "What do you mean?" His eyes stay on my stomach. "Why are you with him if he hurts you? Why can't you be with someone who- never mind come on lets go get ice." He smiles, grabbing my hand we walk down the stairs. He lets it go once we get far enough down.

"Hey Rich, are you okay?" Connor stands up and follows us. "Yeah I'm fine." I wish he wouldn't call me that, I can't say anything right now. Eddie faces the opposite direction not looking at us but listening.

"Oh okay." He looks at me, in a way where I feel kind of scared. Kissing my cheek and then walking back to the sofa. "I know you didn't like when he called you that." "Yeah." I sign. "Here put in on the spot for about 10 minutes." He smiles and walks away.

Word count 841

Here enjoy this picture of Finn 🥺💕

Here enjoy this picture of Finn 🥺💕

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"I Don't Need Help" //Reddie AU Where stories live. Discover now