15). Avoiding Eye Contact

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*Eddies POV
I fall to my hand and knees. Bill slams the door, the wind of the door hitting my back. I shut my eyes tightly standing up. A tear escapes from my eye as I run. Anywhere but here would be great.

*Richies POV
Bill aggressively pushes Eddie out of the room, I cringe at how hard he pushed him. "Are you okay?" Stanley walks I've to me, putting a hand on my arm.

"Yeah..." my brain floods with thoughts.

Small Regrets mostly.

"Mr. Tozier... you can be discharged in about and hour and a half." The doctor smiles at me as Stanley and Mike help me into a wheel chair. "Thank you." I smile back.

Once again I think of when Bill came face to face with Eddie. Eddies face full of fear, a tear escaping his eye as Bill told him off.

Why should I care?

"Richie...Richie?" I look up. "Huh, yeah?" I blink rapidly. "Are you gonna be okay at your house, by yourself?" Ben grips my shoulder lightly as he pushes me down to the vending machine. "Yeah I'll be fine, I've lived by myself since I was 13." I smile as we reach the machine.

*Later when he gets home*
"Bye Richie I'll see you tomorrow." Stanley waves as he closes the door behind him. The air still smelling like nail polish ever so slightly.

I look at my nails, chipped but still nice looking.

Stanley put everything I would need in the living room knowing I would probably stay there until I could climb the stairs fully.

The morning finally came when I get a text.

Stanley: I'm outside, come out when you're ready.
Richie:tHanks for waking me up
Stanley:You're welcome :)

Getting ready was easy, putting my vans on hurt a bit but I managed to do it. "Hi, Ben decided to drive us to school instead did us walking." Stanley wraps his long arm around my back. "Stanley you know I can walk by myself right?" He lets go knowing I don't want any help.

(Sorry if this feels like it's jumping all over the place I can't think of stuff to fill the spaces)

*Later at school*
Once again a small fight brakes loose. A kid punches me in the nose and runs away. I fall and slide onto my back. Blood drips from my nose as I walk to the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror I looked a bit better than before, besides my nose bleeding and my light bruise on my eye. "Ew there's blood... oh..." the door steps stop. A familiar voice echos the bathroom.

I turn around, the boy avoids eye contact. I slide down the wall and sit down. He slowly sit down beside me and grabs a paper towel, slightly dabbing my nose.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you yesterday." He whispers slightly grabbing my face looking for any other place that might need attention. "Whatever." I stand up and walk away, getting stopped by a hand. He grabbed my wrist.

"Richie, I wanna help... I wanna make sure you'll be okay at home. What happens if you get hurt again and you're alone at your house?" "I'll lay there and bleed." I say looking at my wrist. "Why would you care anyways?" "Because...I don't know.." I yank my hand away.

*Eddies POV
I don't want him getting hurt even more than he does.

*Richies POV
"Yes you do... Leave me alone!" I yell.

He flinches.

The walls echo the loud sound . His face fills with hurt.


           I don't care


           I walk away.


      I hear faint crying.


         I do want help... 


The faint crying is from me

Word count:616
Omg I like this part a bit, only where Eddie is helping Richie with his nose. The rest of it is all over the place.

"I Don't Need Help" //Reddie AU Where stories live. Discover now