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     I woke up, hands and legs bound, mouth taped. I looked around. I was in a small, gray room with 4 other people. Two of them were the ones who kidnapped me. One was kind of chunky, with black, curly hair and beard, and a red flannel shirt. The other was skinny and lanky, with long light brown hair, green shirt, and large khaki shorts that looked like they could fall at any moment.
To my right was a girl about my height, 5"8, with long, dark brown hair. She wore a paper thin tank top that exposed more cleavage than I was comfortable with.
     When my eyes met hers, she seemed taken aback for a second, but then she continued to just stare at me.
     The fourth guy was standing in my line of view, a bit further back. He looked at me intensely, with eyes I could only describe as those of a hunter. He looked strangely handsome, with dark hair and amber eyes. He bore a strong resemblance to the girl, so I assumed they were siblings.

     "Evening, sleeping beauty. You were knocked out for 'bout 3 hours 'for you woke up. Must be pretty weak to get knocked out for that lo-"

     "Quiet, Javier," said the man in the middle to the one with the green shirt.

     "See? Told ya, boss. He's got them green eyes you see," said the guy in the red flannel.

     "Yes, I think I can see that, Marcos."

     Okay so, green shirt is named Javier, and red flannel is Marcos. Got it, now I know what to tell the police.
     I stared at them fiercely, trying to be intimidating. I suppose it didn't work, given that when the girl saw me she looked like she was holding back a snort.
     The room was silent, as if no one could choose what to say next. I was afraid, of course, but I was determined not to let it show. Marcos was the first to speak.

     "So what's your name, boy?"


     "Er, Marcos," started Javier, "I think he's got his mouth tap-"

     "Of course he's got his mouth taped, you idiot. It's not a surprise it took you that long to figure it out," said the boss, looking partially annoyed.

     The girl hadn't said anything the whole time. I felt like she was slowly but silently inspecting every part of me.
     She then stepped forward and harshly yanked the tape from my mouth. I glared at her and kept my mouth shut. The guy in the middle seemed a bit amused by my behavior.

     "What's your name?" asked the girl.

     "Why should I tell you anything? Let me out of here."

     "You will answer the questions we ask you," growled the boss.

     "And what if I won't? You don't scare me."

     He stepped closer, revealing his full height, and asked again.

     "Your name."

     Well technically he didn't ask, he demanded. But I refused to give in.

     "I will only tell you my name if you tell me yours."

     He seemed to think it through for a second.

     "Fine then. I'm Adler. Tyler Adler."

     I glared at him. "Sucks to meet you, Tyler."

     "You will address me by my surname. The girl is Ann. Those two over there are Marcos and Javier. Now, your name."

     I hesitated for a moment. I looked over to Marcos and Javier. "You're the ones who knocked me out, right?"

     "Yea, sorry 'bout that. No hard feelings."

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