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     I woke up with a pain in my arm. Everything was dark, and the ground was very cold. I heard movement near me and looked up. In the corner of this cell thing were two other Kamils. There was a- was that a boy? I couldn't tell. That guy, he looked my age, and a little girl. She looked about 10.

     "Hi," said the little girl in a small voice.


     "You must be the half-breed," said the older kid.

     "You know me?"

     The little girl spoke up. "Everyone does. If you really are," she hesitated, "bless your heart."

     "I'm Eli. I use they/them. This is my little sister, Jenny."

     "Nice to meet you. I'm Jayden." I smiled.

     "So you must be wondering about your arm."

     I looked down and saw some white bandage on it. "..they took blood from me, didn't they."

     "Yeah." They looked at me pitifully.

     "How long have you guys been here?"

     Jenny looked down sadly. "Couple o' years."

     "Years?" I asked, shocked.

     "Yes," said Eli, "and from what we've heard, this is one of the cruellest mafias. They don't even use the so called 'brainwash' they have."

     "They don't?"

     "No. And if you're wondering how we know this information, well, some of the guards want us to suffer as much as we can. Telling us there's brainwash and things that we don't have just to make us upset. It's stupid really."

     "I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to go through that."

     "It's alright. We're used to it."

     I felt a pang of guilt, knowing that these kids are forced to live like this. I took so many things for granted.
     Suddenly, the cell door opened up and a large ugly man called me. As I got up, I looked over to Eli and Jenny, but all I saw was pity in their eyes. I walked over to the guard, and he forcibly dragged me along with him.

     "Hey, be gentle," I demanded.

     "Shut it." He pulled me harder.

     He took me to a room with another guy in there. This man was a little older with a nasty scar from his eye to his upper lip. I was definitely getting bad vibes from him.

     "What the hell am I doing here?" I yelled.

     The guy holding me in place kicked me in the back.

     "Now, Roderick," said the scar man with a hint of a French accent, "No need to be so rough."

     The 'Roderick' guy just grunted in response.

     The scar dude eyed me like a prize. "Hello, Jayden, it's nice to finally meet you. My name is Andres, but you can call me Andy if you'd like."

     "I'm not calling you anything. I'm getting the hell out of here."

     "Ooh, fiesty. I like it."

     "Why am I here? What the fuck do you want from me?" I mean, the answer was obvious, but my dumbass still asked.

     "My, my no need to be so rude. We just want.." He smirked. "You."

     "Yeah, yeah, 'cuz I'm a half-breed. You don't want me, you want my blood."

     "Oh look, Roderick, he's smart." Andres rollered his eyes. "Who are your parents, Jayden? What are their names?"

     Maybe this man is as stupid as he looks. "I'm not telling you shit."

     Roderick shoved me from behind. Andres started laughing.

     "Oh, but you will, sweet Jayden. We'll find out all there is to know. You.. will tell us.. everything."

     He stared at me, smiling, as if he were expecting a gift. I just stared back, confused.

     "Are you constipated?"

     "Er, why's it not working. Roderick, is my face broken? Nothing's happening." Andres took out a little pocket mirror and inspected his reflection. He started getting angry. "Why didn't it work? You, rat," he shoved his finger on my chest, "What the hell did you do?"

     "How could I have done something if I didn't even know what you were trying to do? It's not my fault you're face is too ugly for things to go your way."

     "You- You! Stupid- This is because you're a half-breed, isn't it? This bitch, I swear- Rockerick, leave us."

     I stumble forward as Roderick pushes me off and leaves. "What? What are you doing?" I asked, annoyed for some reason.

     "You're pissing me off, you little shit. I'm hungry," Andres said as my eyes widened and he clasped his hands on my shoulders. Before I could escape, he sunk his teeth in my throat. I struggled and shrieked, telling him to get off. It hurt so much, and I started to get dizzy. I couldn't really feel a lot anymore, and that's when I blacked out.


     I opened my eyes and blinked multiple times when all I saw was grey in my vision. My neck hurt like a bitch even though there was multiple padding on it.

     "Oh thank God you're awake," said a familiar voice. Eli. Oh right, I'm back in the cell.

     "How long was I out?" I asked groggily.

     "A lot of hours," said Jenny. "We thought you were dead."

     "You were out for a long time," said Eli. "Almost a full day. Are you hungry?" They threw me some stale bread.

     Hell yes I was hungry. My stomach felt like an empty well.

     "Thanks," I said, stuffing the hard bread into my mouth.

     "There was an attack," said little Jenny, handing me some water and what looked like oatmeal.

     I got excited. "An attack? By who?"

     "We don't know. We never know. But there was a lot of yelling. I'm surprised you slept through it all," said Eli.

     "How long ago?"

     "About an hour or two after the guards came and put you back here."

     "Guys, it might be my friends. From another mafia. They're coming to rescue us!" I whisper-yelled so the guards couldn't hear me.

     "Really? That's awesome! I can't wait to get out of here! Your friends left, but I'm sure they'll come back for another attack," said Jenny.

     "Yeah, they'll come back. I know they will." I really hoped it was them. I'd be devastated if it was an attack from another mafia just to get me. "Now, come on. Let's finish this garbage food so we can have enough energy to escape. You'll love it at my mafia. They have burgers there."

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