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     They approached me as if I was a wounded animal.

     "Hey there, princess," said one of the guys. "We heard you was.. special."

     I froze. I didn't know what to do; I had never been in a situation like this before.

     "Leave me alone," I demanded.

     "Aw, look at him, tryna' be all tough," one said.

     "We just want one little taste.." he paused. "Get him."

     Two of them forcefully grabbed my arms, while the other one grabbed my face. I tried to struggle out of their grasp, but it was useless.

     "Stop! Let me go!" I shook my head and tried to bite his hand.

     "Shut up, rat," he spat.

     "No, stop! Please!" He forced my head to the side, exposing my neck. Just before he could bite down, I screamed. Loudly.
     Out of nowhere, Marcos jumped out and attacked the guy. The other two ran, out of fear.
     I was shaking, scared. My mind was racing, yet it was blank. I ran and ran. I barged straight into Tyler's room. But I was caught off guard. He had a Kamil there. He was feeding off her.

     "Jayden!" shouted a startled Tyler. "Martha, back to the Prims," he said as he smudged some blood on his lip."Haven't you heard of knocking before?" He looked at me in disbelief. "What is so important that you had to bother me in the middle of my lunch? Wh-" he stared at me. "What's wrong?"

     "I-I.." I looked up at him. I snorted. "You got a little," I gestured towards my lip, "something."

     "Oh." He licked it off.

     Okay, that was hot.

     Wait, what? Did I just-

     "Okay, so what's wrong? What happened?"

     Oh right, that. I shuddered.

     "Well.. I think- I think someone might know about me."

     "What? Are you-" He grabbed at his hair. "Are you serious?"

     "No, I'm Jayden."

     "This is no time for games, Jayden," he growled.

     "I got cornered. By three of your guys. They said they heard I was special, or something. Marcos handled it, though," I said quietly, recalling that discusting memory.
     He looked at me with.. was that sympathy? Did he really feel bad?

     "..Did they hurt you?" he asked quietly.

     I was taken aback.

     Eyes wide, I responded, "No, not really." I furrowed my eyebrows. "I was about to get my fucking neck bit off, though."

     "Do you remember what they looked like?"

     "No, it was kind of dark, but I think Marcos might know."

     "Oh, God, this is bad. Crap, now the other mafias are going to find out. Of course, they're gonna want you. They're gonna fight, they're gonna kill us," he rambled to himself.

     "No, calm down."

     "We're gonna go to war, this is so stupid. Hah, maybe they'll think it's all a ruse! It's never happened before, so why should it now?" he continued.

     "Jayden." He grabbed my shoulders. "This is serious. We have to be on high alert now. I know you've changed rooms many times, but this is the last time, I promise. You're to move to the room next to mine. They're connected. I don't want anything to happen to y-" he stopped himself, let go of me, and cleared his throat. "I mean, I- we can't have- What I mean is- Oh, forget it."

     I giggled; it was funny to see him all jumbled up.

     "There's already clothes in the drawers, and you can go wherever you like. But, please try to stay by my side. If you want to do something when I'm busy, I'll have Marcos, Javier, or Ann accompany you."

     I rolled my eyes. "Oh great, I feel like a toddler now."

     "I'm sorry about this, it's just for your protection."

     "Yeah, alright."

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