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A/N: super late lmao but the 👌 pic i had on top^ wasn't meant to be that ugly white supremacists shit it was just meant to be the "you looked" meme i didnt even know it was the white thing but now i do 👍

A few days later after my two week recovery, Tyler had called me into his office, saying he had a surprise.

"Jayden." Tyler's eyes lit up when he saw me enter the room.

"Yeah, what's up? What was the surprise?"

"Okay," Tyler put his elbows on the desk and tapped his fingers together. "So.."

"So..?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So would you-" He thought for a moment. "Do you want to lead this mafia? Together? With me?" He looked at me, his eyes glittering with hope.

I paused for a moment. This was amazing. I felt the butterflies flutter in my stomach due to excitement and nervousness.

"Holy crap, for real?"

"Yes," he nodded, grinning.

"Hell yeah! We're gonna be the kings! We're gonna have the best mafia ever, I swear, it's gonna be so awesome." I ran over to Tyler as he stood up and hugged him.

"Damn right, Jayden. We're gonna be the kings."


Later on that day, we decided we were going to announce to everyone that I was now a leader along with Tyler. I was gonna say a little speech, and I was pretty nervous. Luckily, Eli and Jenny were there with me to help calm my nerves.

"You're gonna be amazing," said Eli as they handed me a glass of water.

"Picture them as clowns!" beamed Jenny.

"They are though," I snorted.

They both gave a light chuckle as Javier reminded us it was almost time. I fixed my hair and walked up to Tyler who was talking with some other member. He spotted me coming his way and engulfed me in a hug.

"You're gonna do great," he muffled, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Kiss on the lips for good luck?" I said jokingly (with a little hope).

"I'll give you more than that later on," he smirked.

I turned beet red as I heard the clapping downstairs, signaling that it was time for me to show.

"And here he is, your new other boss!" boomed Marcos to the hundred-some vampires in the base, along with a few Kamils on the sides.

I walked up to where Marcos was. "H-hi everyone," I stuttered. Shit. That's not a good start. I cleared my throat. "I just want to say how greatful I am to be here. These past months have been the best I've ever lived. This is all pretty surreal, honestly. I never would have thought I'd end up in this situation. But I wouldn't change it for the world.." and yada yada. I kept on talking about how happy I was and how I had gotten to know some of the vampires. I talked about Tyler and how he was the best boyfriend in the world.
I also talked about what I wanted to change in the mafia. There were just some things I did not agree with.
"Before I end this, I just wanted to address some changes. No Kamil, whatsoever, will be sold, exchanged, or etc. That is human trafficking (or Kamil trafficking in this case) and it is illegal. Think about how they might feel. Being away from their families for so long.
"They can choose to stay on their own accord. I know Kamils are your main food source, but c'mon guys, just take a human for once? Don't kill them, though. Don't kill anyone. Just take what you need. Stop being selfish. Also, instead of Curly Roll burger Friday, we're having Chica's burgers Friday." A round of whoops and cheers erupted throughout the croud. "Oh! Before I forget. Don't look at a person when they're sleeping! Don't come into their room! No. More. Thank you."

I walked off, my heart beating heavily in my chest.
I didn't expect to go off like that in the end. What was going through my mind?

"Jayden!" I heard Jenny squeal as she ran up to me and squeezed the life out of me.

"Jenny," I gased," my lungs- contracting-"

"Oh, sorry!" she giggled, finally releasing me.

"Haha, I liked the ending, Jay," Eli chuckled.

I blushed. "I didn't mean to. I didn't know what I was thinking."

"Eyyyyyy, how's our new boss?" Javier clapped me on the back, almost making me fall forward.

"G-good," I said, turning shyer by the second at how much attention I was receiving.

"Hey, Jayden," I heard Tyler say.

I looked up at him, seeing a wide grin on his face.

"You did really good. Everything you said in the end, we're going to do it. I liked your ideas."

"Thanks," I said shyly, remembering how I had called him the best boyfriend ever during my little speech.

"So do I," Ann perked up, "but I gotta ask. How are we gonna make money now?"

"Um, working? I don't know, figure it out. Not my problem," I said with a yawn.

"But, Jayden, you're the boss."

"Oh, shit you're right."

The end


Hi, thanks for reading my little story if you decided to. I know it wasn't long, but I, myself, enjoyed it so that's all that matters to me. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm just a kid so don't judge my writing too harshly. I have 2 more ideas for other stories I want to write, so if you're interested then you can read them if you'd like to. I haven't started any, so it will take a while. Anyway, thank you to anyone who liked my story! Have a great day :D

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