06. He Trusts You

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"How are you not getting this? Are you seriously this bad at it?"

"I don't do it often.."

"Everyone does it."

"I know, but.. I'm just terrible at every aspect about it.."

Todoroki shook his head, trying to comprehend how someone could still be alive on surviving on take out food and store bought raman. In his hands he held fresh produce, showing her the price, what makes it good, and what to look for that makes it bad. It was his day off from work and their classes had ended. They met up as they both were leaving campus. Todoroki was planning on going shopping already, but he decided to bring her along this time, and now they were shopping together. Or rather, he was teaching her how to shop effectively.

He set the bushel of green onions down in the basket Momo was holding, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "You weren't kidding when you said you couldn't cook at all were you?" he questioned, looking over at her. His eyes flared with a fiery fierceness, but it wasn't anger. The only word that came to mind was passion.

She got caught in his intense gaze, only breaking free when she realized she had been staring for what felt like minutes. "I- Um.. No. I can barely heat up raman correctly.." she admitted, turning her gaze elsewhere.

Todoroki blinked several times in disbelief. He knew not everyone was on his level, but not knowing anything — his brain couldn't compute. "Alright," he sighed, running his hand through his hair, trying to figure out the best way to teach her to not only cook but to shop as well, "I guess, just follow me and I'll show you the sort of stuff to look for..."

Momo followed him as he walked further down the aisle. They were in the supermarket a few blocks down the street from their apartment. Shopping together was different for them both. Normally Momo would come in, grab some raman, some fresh fruit, chips, and ice cream. While Todoroki knew exactly what he needed because he knew exactly what he wanted to cook. Slowing down and explaining everything to someone was tedious, but he wanted her to know and not be so ignorant.

"Okay, this is the meat section," Todoroki stated, motioning to all the meat laid out.

"I have eyes," Momo grumbled.

"Good. Now the meat, we'll just buy what's on sale so we don't ruin anything expensive from your failures like the other day," he bluntly said, picking up a package of clearance beef.

"I said I was sorry.. How long are you going to be bringing that up?" she muttered in response, pouting out her lip and crossing her arms.

"I left for ten seconds to go use the bathroom and when I came back there was a grease fire," he reminded her. "Now I know better and I won't leave you unsupervised," he sighed. As he was saying everything to her, he couldn't help but feel like a dick. He didn't know how to put it lightly and get his point across. "Sorry... I'm just- how are you so bad at this?"

"How are you so good?" Momo questioned back.

Todoroki shrugged like the answer should be obvious. "My father is a professional chef," he stated, rolling his eyes.

As he spoke his eyes changed. The mention of his father gave off a hatred in him — the same thing had happened before when he first moved in and said his father wouldn't pay for his living, basically leaving him on the street. When the words rolled off his tongue it left a bitterness in his mouth. Talking about his father was like drinking poison to him. He immediately regretted bringing him up.

Momo stared at him, not being able to ignore the look in his eye. She noticed that as soon as he mentioned it he kept his gaze away from hers. "Wait.. Todoroki.." she mumbled, stating his last name, jogging her memory of something. "Your father is Endeavor.. He's one of the greatest chefs in the world."

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