07. Just Friends

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Momo sat in her lecture, her eyes focused on what the professor was displaying on the monitor, her hand taking down the notes, but her mind was distracted from her and Todoroki's visitor the other night. His older sister had come and had an unexpected dinner with them. So far she was the only one who knew about them living together, and more than that, the short lived conversation she had with Momo before she left was weighing on her mind for the last couple of days, distracting her from her studying.

What am I supposed to do about this..? His own sister told me that he trusts me and to Todoroki that's a big deal.. she thought, mindlessly turning the page in her notebook, continuing to scribble down her notes. Oh God.. I'm not worried about this because I've started to develop deeper feelings for him, have I??

Momo leaned her head against her hand atop her desk. Countless thoughts about her personal life over took the vital information from her lecture... Sufficient to say, this never happened to her before. Not even when she was actively dating. But Todoroki was just her roommate. Her friend.. And yet, he had become a very close and special person to her.

The hours they'd spent together at night and in the mornings in their home were very meaningful to her. She already had fond memories of him assisting her with trying to cook, even when she massively failed which was about ninety five percent of the time... Other times they ate dinner and watched a movie they'd both seen before, chatting the entire time and making fun of mistakes in the film or the shitty acting of the actors. But her favorite times were in the mornings when he'd have early classes - he'd have breakfast waiting for her on the table ready for her when she got up..

He was a good roommate, and had become a good friend to her.

I can't like him in that way... There's just no way.. I mean, obviously I'm physically attracted to him. He's a very attractive man and I've seen him shirtless on several occasions.... she thought. Her face began to heat up as she thought of him without clothes. Obviously he didn't care whether or not she saw him changing - it's why she'd seen him without a shirt so many times, and a few times he was only in his boxers.. Why doesn't he just change in the bathroom? He does realize that because he sleeps in the living room that doesn't make is his room... Right??

Her thoughts over took her ability to focus on taking notes. She sat, staring blankly at the monitor as she thought hard about what was happening at home. I do get to see a side of him other girls don't.. The real him when he's at home.. she thought, lightly tapping her mechanical pencil on her paper. I'd be a fool to think I could change him completely though.. He is who he is and it's not my place to try and change him into something he's not or does doesn't want to be... We're just friends and that's how it'll be..

Momo shook her head, forcing her thoughts to the back of her mind with sheer willpower. I need to focus on my work.. Exams are at the end of next week and I can't allow anything to distract me..

Meanwhile across campus, Todoroki sat in a café with a few of his friends. He currently had an hour break between classes and was having lunch with his friends, Midoriya, and Iida. It had been awhile since they hung out due to exams approaching, and the only person besides Momo he'd had contact with on a regular basis was Bakugou.. But they weren't exactly school friends..

"So how are things going at this new place you won't invite us over to?" Midoriya asked before sipping his latte.

"Yes. It is odd that you seem to be doing so well in spite of your situation. You even ranted to us about your father unwilling to pay for your living expenses anymore," Iida added on.

Todoroki took a sip of his own drink, trying to figure out the best way to dodge their attempts at visiting him. "Everything is fine. I'm crashing with one of my friends in their living room until I get enough saved up to move out," he informed them.

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