Percy jackson Raining fire

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Jane absolutely hated waffles. Ya I know what your thinking. How could anyone hate waffles? Well if you were in her situation you would understand. They day had started out great, Jane had caught a cab (thankfully the driver hadn't tried to kill her like the last one) downtown where She spent a few minutes in a gas station bathroom trying to clean herself up. Her curly brown hair was greasy and pulled up in a high pony tail,her face had a thick layer of dirt on it and her cloths were worn and tattered. An old lady walked in as She tried to wipe dried blood off a gash on my arm. She took one look at jane and scuttled away. "Great," She muttered. "Not another old lady." She had had quite her fair share of them She thought as She peeked her head around the door to see if the demon lady was waiting for her. She thought She heard a sound which kind of freaked her out but then She realized it was just the cashier. She tried to tell herself everything was ok. But how could it be. these last few weeks were.....lets just say horrifying. She slipped out of the gas station and began her journey down the road. That's when it hit her...literally. A car came screeching out of nowhere. She dove to the side but the edge of the car slammed into her. She felt something in her side crack. She groaned, "great," She said. "Yet another injury." Through the haze of pain, She managed to crawl away and limp towards a waffle hut. She opened the door and dragged herself to a booth in the back. She collapsed on the seat holding her side. She tried to sit up and look out the window at the smoking car. It was a black SUV with the words SPQR printed on the side. She ducked down as She saw a few teenagers climb out of the car. Leading them was a mousy looking kid with blond hair and a scarred face. He looked around confusedly.
"Did we hit something Ollie?" Questioned a kid with sandy hair. Ollie snorted and turned to him. "No Luke, our car is just busted up for no reason." He said in a sarcastic voice. Luke rolled his eyes. "The problem is, what did we hit?" Ollie looked around and shrugged. "Must have been a deer or something."
"Ya," Luke said as he glanced at the beat up car. "Reyna is so going to kill me," he groaned as he pulled open the car door and hopped in. Ollie sighed and climbed into the drivers seat. The SUV drove off and She jumped as She heard a sickly sweet voice say from behind her "hello, welcome to the waffle hut. How may I help you?" She stared at the waitress. She had curly blond hair and soft brown eyes. She would of thought she was normal but her teeth were perfectly white. She was convinced that no normal human could have that bright of teeth. The waitress tried again. "Hello, my name is Millie and I will be your waitress today." Jane cocked her head at her. How could she not notice my bleeding arm and side. She shrugged and said "I'll have a water."
"Only a water?"
"Yes please."
"Honey, it's a waffle shop. If you wanted water you could have gotten it at the gas station down the street. Jane did your mother never teach you any manners?"
"I never knew my mom. And how did you know my name?" She was one hundred percent convinced now this women was a monster.
Right as she was thinking that, the women's finger nails grew into long black talons and her teeth grew into huge fangs.
"Now Hun, don't talk back to your elders." Then she lunged. Jane didn't have much time to act. She threw up her arms, through her half closed eyes she saw bright flashes of yellow, she opened her eyes and looked in shock as the monsters arms started to burn. Jane had no idea what just happened.
"Oh a daughter of Hephaestus are we?" Millie said with a grin.
Then something so unexpected happened Jane didn't know what do to. A silver arrow flew threw the window shattering the glass and embedding itself in millie's head. With a piercing cry Millie turned into yellow dust. Jane ducked down out of instinct. She heard the waffle hut door open and glanced above the table to see about a dozen girls in jeans and silver jackets. Half of them had silver bows and arrows slung over their shoulders. The girl in front looked about seventeen. She had short, spiky, black hair. She scanned the waffle hut then made her way over to where yellow dust coated the ground. She knelt down and picked up the arrow and cursed under her breath.
"That's my fifth arrow this week" the girl said. She flicked her wrist and and a girl about fourteen with brown hair walked up.
"Naomi, I need you to go find the girl and check on her. We have no idea what injuries she may have." The person named Naomi nodded and said "of course Thalia. What should we do when we find her?"
"Take her outside and help heal her and explain to her where to go. I'll come join you once I've done a parameter check." Naomi nodded and walked in the direction where Jane was hiding. As Naomi drew closer, Jane shrank back, pressing her shoulder into the table and willing herself to become smaller. Naomi stopped in front of the booth and smiled at Jane.
"Hi, I'm Naomi. I'm sure you must have a lot of questions." Naomi extended her arm and helped Jane up. Janes mouth hung open in shock. Naomi must have dealt with these kind of people before because she just gently steered Jane out of the restaurant. Jane stared around her. There were about a dozen girls running around setting up tents and fires. She saw about three girls deep in conversation with Thalia at the edge of the camp. Naomi guided Jane into a silver tent. On the inside, there was a table with fruit in it and pillows and blankets stacked around the edge. Jane was able to stand up fully but Naomi forced her onto some blankets. She called in another hunter who began wrapping Janes cut arm and feeding her some squares of food that looked like lemon squares but tasted like her foster moms churros. As the healer worked, Jane told Naomi about how when she was at her foster mothers house, she got a visit from a strange man. He had said something about having a brother and a prophecy. She told her about how she was sent to find someone named Leo and to go to camp half blood (whatever that was). She recounted how she had taken a bus to Kansas where an old lady had attacked her at an RV yard. She had reached the part of her story where the SPQR car had hit her when Thalia entered the tent. Jane fell silent and stared at her. Like Naomi, Thalia was surrounded by a soft golden glow. Thalia sat down on one of the throw pillows and asked to hear the story again. Jane was shocked at how well Naomi had listened. She got nearly every detail right. At the end of the story Thalia turned to Jane.
"Hmm, it's weird that camp Jupiter would be here but maybe they were on a quest or something," Thalia said. "Anyway, That man that visited you, he is Hephaestus. The god of fire and the forge." Jane doubled over laughing then abruptly stopped when Naomi and Thalia gave her completely serious looks. "Wait," she said "your serious? Like he's real and not some made up myth?" Thalia nodded. "He is completely real along with all the other gods. I myself am a daughter of Zeus."
"Seriously? Then why are you here? Isn't there some school or something for people like you?"
"To answer your questions, yes I really am a daughter of Zeus, I am a hunter of Artemis. The hunters of Artemis are demigods. They are young girls who pledge themselves to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. We get immortality but we have to swear of boys. We go around helping demigods find their way to camp half blood and things like that. And no, there isn't a school but there is a camp. Camp half blood." There was that name again, Jane thought.
"Ok, so, your telling me that there are these gods and you are one of their daughters? If Zeus is your dad who is your mom? Is like Hera or something?" Thalia looked absolutely offended when Jane asked if Hera was her mom.
"No my moms not Hera," she snapped. "Demigods have one godly parent and one mortal parent."
"Oh, so if your here to help me, can you just take me to the camp or whatever."
"I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because you have to do something else first."
"What is it?"
"It's complicated"
"Then explain"
Thalia sighed and shook her head. " you'd make a good hunter you know."
"Thanks, now tell me what's going on."
"Zeus came to me in a dream. He didnt give me a lot of details but he said that in order to unite, before you go to camp you have to meat Leo."
"Why does this Leo kid keep coming up? Who is he?"
Naomi shifted uncomfortably and averted her eyes from Janes face. Thalia kept a straight face and said "Leo was part of the prophecy of the seven. I'll explain more about that later. He sacrificed his life to save the universe but survived because of a special medicine."
"Ok, that's pretty cool but why do I need to find him."
Thalia looked Jane straight in the face. "Oh believe me," Thalia said with a soft laugh and a far away look in her eyes. "He is anything but cool."
"Ook, but why do I need to meet him."
Because," she said with a slight smile. "He's your brother."

Percy Jackson raining fire Where stories live. Discover now