Chapter 24

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Being out of school for good is fun, however, I can't help but feel lost. School was a constant routine and something I could rely on and not have to worry about it falling from underneath my feet. Now, I just have to wait patiently for my results to find out what step I am taking next. 

Life would be easy (and a miracle) if both Owen and I got into Oxford Brookes because that is our preferred university choice, coincidentally. They offer an outstanding writing and journalism programme and an equally as rewarding business course! That is, therefore, the best place for both Owen and me to attend; it offers support for my writing and knowledge for Owen's aspirations of owning his own business. 

Knowing our rotten luck, we will be accepted into universities on the other side of the country. Why is that such a bad thing? It will stress mine and Owen's new marriage so much that it will most probably make us more miserable than we would be in the first place. The worst part of it (even if he is being pleasant to me for the time being) is that we have to be married for at least a year before we can get an official divorce! I could get it annulled but that would be a rescission of the Anstey's so called 'contract'; Owen cannot become the CEO of his parents' business without a steady marriage. 

Who knows? Maybe this whole marriage will work out, however, I doubt this highly. If we get sent to polar opposites of the fucking country, we really do have no hope of being happy, "Earth to Skylar!" My brother, Jeremy, brings me out of my trance by waving his grubby hand in front of my face so I grab it and throw it down, causing him to limp forwards in shock.

"What were you saying?" I ask, looking around at my family, "We were asking about your last day, kiddo," My dad repeats and I nod in acknowledgment and attempt to answer before Jeremy sits up and pushes himself against the sofa so he has a backrest and interrupts me with, "And, also, the cuts on your face?" He asks, smirking at me because he knew I was hoping that they wouldn't ask. 

And so the story started, I rambled on for a while with a few rude remarks from Jeremy and interruptions from my dad who loves to know every damn detail! I told them everything from my morning routine, to my new friendships, to my fight and even to my choice in University, if I get the grades. Once I have finished, my mum quickly lifts up her mask, "We're so proud of you, sweetheart," then puts it back down, taking in a deep breath. 

I smile and tear up, "Thank you," I waver and Jeremy pulls me into his side as I get emotional, "I just hope I get my results so that I can go where I want to go, you know? And with the wedding and everything; things are just going to get more complicated." 

My dad nods and smiles, "I know, kiddo, but you're doing an amazing job and there's no way that things won't work out," He pep talks me and I sigh, nodding and smiling a little bit more, "Now," he starts, "we've realised that things are stressful for you and Owen so we've all decided to send you and Owen to his holiday home in Anglesey for a week on Sunday so that you both can have a little break and all of us can sort out the stressful bits of the wedding for when you come back." 

Before, this would have been a terrible idea, something I would have dreaded and probably would've gone livid at my family for letting happen. However, I need this, I know it. The idea of going on a break away from all things 'wedding' sounds more refreshing than an ice cold drink on a hot summer day! Hopefully, Owen and I will find a happy medium, too. 

I sigh in relief, "I thought you were going to tell me something crappy!" My dad chuckles slightly and smiles, "I'm glad you're okay with it all, I think it'll be a good break for you both," My dad concludes and we start up another random conversation. 


When I arrive back at the apartment, I am greeted by sheer darkness. In fact, it seems darker than dark, "Owen? You home?" I call out into the darkness of the penthouse, my heart pounding as adrenaline courses through me — darkness in a place I haven't yet learned to call home is shit scary! My instincts tell me that he's here (or a serial killer in the shadows who has already got to Owen) and he's going to make me jump; he is an ass, after all! All of a sudden, arms wrap around my waist and I know it's Owen, so I send my leg hurtling backwards, wrapping it around his knee and jelly legging him, causing him to cascade to the floor in a not-so-graceful manner. 

"What the fuck, Sky?" He groans, rolling around like an overdramatic 'injured' football player, "Don't try to make me jump, arsehole!" I exclaim, holding my heart, "You started my fucking fight or flight!" I breathe out as he clambers up to his feet. He then begins laughing, leaning back, clutching his stomach and his beautiful eyes scrunched up, "Okay, it was kinda funny," He manages to say and I roll my eyes as he composes himself, "Anyway, have you heard the news?" 

"That we're going to Anglesey on Sunday?" I guess and he nods, "So you knew, great," He shrugs, "Are we angry about it or?" I shake my head, smiling slightly, "No, I'm okay with it. It'll be nice to get away for a week." 

"Yup," he pops the 'p' before sitting on the sofa and I glide my hand along the wall to find the light switch and follow him, sitting beside him, "At least we don't have to deal with the wedding plans," He chuckles and I nod, sighing and leaning back into the cushions of the sofa. 

"It's gonna be stressful but it'll be worth it when my mum's better," I state and I hear him sigh, "Is that the only reason you're doing this?" He asks me, eyebrows furrowed as he glances towards me. 

Shuffling in my seat, I face him with a shrug, "Is there any other reason?" I answer and he looks at me, intently. After a while of inspecting my face, waiting to decipher if this is a 'test', he shakes his head, "No, I was just wondering," he mumbles, "I'm hungry," he grumbles and pushes himself from his seated position and trudges off into the kitchen. 

Well, he's being more of an ass than usual. Not used to him being the sensitive one of the two of us, I get up and follow him to the kitchen at the risk of pissing him off even more, "Owen?" he turns to me, a gloomy look plastered onto his face, "Whatever I said to make you angry, I'm sorry." 

"That's the exact thing that pisses me off the most, Skylar!" He exclaims, slamming the sealed pot noodle onto the counter top with a loud bang, I flinch at the noise, "What do you mean?" I ask him, confused as to why he's so irritated all of a sudden, "That!" He shouts, face palming himself, "You just say things and don't think about whether it will hurt anyone!" 

"What could I have possibly said that hurt you so much?" I question, attempting to remain tranquil, "You see," He points at me, "this is what got you into this mess. You don't even know what you're saying! You say it and don't think and then you come to me with a half-assed apology without even knowing what you said wrong!" His voice raises to a bellow and I move towards the door, his volume hurting my ears. 

"Owen, I don't understand!" I shout back at him, partially because I can't hear properly because of his magnitude, "You can't go off at me but not explain what the fuck has crawled up your arse!" He takes in a deep breath and releases it, placing the pot noodle back into the cupboard as I wait in agonising suspense, he turns to me, "Just think back to our conversation and, if your brain can facilitate the common sense, you should be able to figure out what, in your words, 'crawled up my arse'," He does sarcastic quotation marks around his bitter speech and shoves past me, storming like a trooper up the stairs. 

I sigh aloud; so much for a nice night in. 


I know! It was a shorter chapter, but the last two have been so long!! Also, this is a little bit of a filler chapter, I guess. 

If you have any advice or feedback or want to speak to me in general, my messages are always open! It would be much appreciated if you could comment on my chapter to show me that you're enjoying it or if you dislike certain parts and please feel free to engage by commenting!

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