Minho Imagine: Gone|| The Maze Runner: part 1

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"Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where the shuck is he?" You muttered to yourself waiting at the doors.

"He'll be back soon, stop worrying" a voice said. You recognized it. It was Chuck.

"Oh, uh hi Chuck, I didn't know anyone could hear me" you said slightly embarrassed.

A group of gladers approached the doors, including Newt, Gally and Thomas.

"Newt! What do we do? He's in there? And Alby's in there." you panicked.

"They'll comeback. I know it" Newt said.

You worried about your boyfriend. You continued pacing, freaking out. You thought in your head "is he alright? What if there was a griever? No, no stop it. I'm sure Newt's right. He'll be here very, very soon and he'll hug me and kiss me and we will be together like always. Ugghh I really want one of his nice warm hugs right now and-"

Your thoughts were cut off.

The doors.







You couldn't form sentences anymore.

At the corner of your eyes you saw Minho.

You pushed your way to the front of the crowd. Thomas followed you.

The doors were half closed.

He was dragging Alby. Why?

The doors were slowly closing.

You were so zoned in on Minho that you had just realized that all 50 or so of the gladers were yelling.

"Minho!" Hurry!" "Leave him!" "Come on!" were all chants the gladers were screaming.

As the doors were more than a half closed, Minho let out a battle cry.

He could do this.

Could he?

You were in shock.

You wanted to scream. You wanted him to drop Alby and come rushing out.

But you couldn't.

You just stood there at the front of the crowd, eyes tearing.

Minho's eyes met contact with yours.

"Baby" you whispered as you saw Minho's eyes tear up.

Thomas broke from your side and ran.

"Thomas!" you screamed pulling his arm.

His pull was too strong.

Gladers screamed and yelled at Thomas but it was too late.

The greenie was now inside the maze.

The doors slammed shut.


The love of your life was gone.


You turned to find Newt.

You were breathing extremely heavily.


"Newt, Newt, Newt! I can't, I can't believe. I need. Gone." Again you could not make out full sentences, only fragments.

You hugged Newt.

You breathing was unsteady as you began to cry on his shoulder.

"I can't do this" you muttered.

Newt didn't speak.

He couldn't speak.

Two of his best friends just got trapped in a maze. No one would ever see them again.

Newt patted you on the back.

He understood your loss, you understood his.

That night you couldn't possibly sleep.

Thoughts, memories swirled in your mind.

Coming up from the box, the first time making eye contact.

When he told you he liked you.

Your first date.

Your first kiss.

Everyday in between.

That last look. The last time you would ever see him, make eye contact with him.

You sobbed into your pillow.

Newt came to your side.

"I can't buggin' sleep either" he said.

You sat up.

He patted you on the back.

"I can't believe it. How?" You stared up at the sky.

"Neither can I. It hasn't set in yet. It probably won't until the morning" Newt added swigging down moonshine. "Want some?"

"False hope" you muttered taking a drink.

"Minho is special. And that Tommy kid is not like the others." Newt added.

"I don't want to get my hopes up. No matter how special or different that doesn't mean they can beat the shuck grievers" you said taking another swig and passing it to Newt.

"Hope is the only thing we have. And alcohol" Newt smiled.

You smiled back at him.

"Hey do you think you could stay here and just talk and stuff with me?" you asked.

"Of course, but let me get my sleeping bag" Newt smiled.

Should I keep this as a sweet Minho imagine or should it have a twist where you fall in love with Newt? I haven't decided yet so comment please. I have a lot off Newt imagines so idk help

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