2 - Soju

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Following the path to help people is not the simplest and by far not the quickest. I cast everything aside when I had finally decided to devote my life to health care. I turned down nights with friends, put away games and movies, started saving money and becoming more responsible in general. My parents kept teasing me, saying that I'm possessed or something.

Even though I had become a social outcast, my family and best friend had always been by my side. From day one, my best friend, Jungkook, has always supported me. He took care of me when I overworked and got sick. He always made sure I ate properly.

Today's Sunday. He's with me. Today is the day, the day that determines whether I wasted five years of my life. I'm about to open the results from the internship exam I took last month. I've had my results since Friday, but I've been too anxious to look at them. He stood there in anticipation as I nervously opened the envelope.

"Ah! I can't do it! Kookie! You do it!" I said while flinging the A4 envelope at him to catch. I and hopped backwards to observed him nervously pull out the paper. His face was blank, and I had gotten even more nervous due to the elongated strain of silence.

Soon, his expression transitioned into a sad face with his lip curling downwards. He looked worried, as though there was something wrong. He began sniffling, worrying me even further.

"My best friend is leaving me." He said as he sobbed and ran in to hug me.

"Leaving?!" I shrieked and asked him as he nodded his head that wedged in the crook of my neck, "Did I get in? JK! I got in?"

With all of the emotions hovering over me, I started crying too. All of my hard work had finally paid off. That was my first step to becoming a doctor. We just stood there and cried into each other's shoulders for minutes.

"Let's go celebrate! Right now! Drinks! On me!" He said when he looked up at me placed his hands on my shoulders assertively as though he wasn't crying. It was as though he had a switch of sorts.

"But I start tomorrow!" I replied. He gave me his puppy dog eyes, to which I could not say no. He just went from assertive to a baby. This switch is crazy. "Fine, you win, but only a few!" I said as his face lit up. He had grabbed my hand, hastening towards our usual bar.

Immediately, we were greeted by the owner as we walked in. We were all very close. Jungkook had grown up with him. They were friends as kids since they went to the same school. I hadn't become friends with them until later on.

"Jimin-ah! Two bottles of soju, please!" Jungkook yelled out to him as we both made our way to an empty table.

"Y/n! You're here today! I haven't seen you in a while!" He said as I smiled at him, giving him a baby wave. Before I could even greet him back, Jungkook spoke.

"We're celebrating, Hyung! Y/n's going to be a Doctor from tomorrow!" Jungkook yelled back at Jimin as he congratulated me as well.

"Y/n! Since today is special, soju is on the house!" He said with his signature mochi look.

I had thanked him and accepted his offer but also explained that we could not drink too much. It would be such a shame to start my life as a Doctor with a hangover.

3 hours, 21 minutes and 7 bottles later

<Jungkook POV>

"Jungkookiiieee~~! I worked~ so~ soooo hard to get here ~!"

"Y/n! I think you've had enough to drink." I said as I stood up and attempted to pull her up.

"Nah ahhh~! One more! Jimin-ahhh~! Can I have another soju! Please!" She said as I sighed and saw Jimin walking up with the shot but looking at me for permission.

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