5 - Pregnant

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I felt terrible. I felt as though I'd lost to him. The tears that streamed down my face was evidence of my defeat. I was consumed by rage, angry at both him and myself for succumbing to my emotions.

"I'd like to transfer wards!" I practically yelled at the receptionist, "Anywhere but here."

"Dr Choi? Calm down," she pacified me, "You're crying. What's wrong?"

"That's not important," I whispered with shaken breaths, "Please transfer me today. Please?"

She didn't ask me anything further but directed her attention to the desktop in front of her.

"Dr Choi, most departments are full, but the ER can always use extra help. I can try and fit you in there." She spoke out hurriedly since she could see my unease.

"Thank you, Sana. Can I head there now?"


As I was strutting my way through the doors of the ER, a reminiscent wave surged through me. I remembered that bench. That was the exact spot that I sat in with RJ five years ago. It all seems so recent, but it's been years.

Dr Kim used to be so kind. He inspired me when nobody else couldn't, and that's why it hurt as it did. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel as though I were running away from my problems.

"You the new intern?" A voice spoke out, breaking my train of thought.

I turned back to see a pale man standing in front of me. His hair was dark and appeared almost velvety; his eyes drowned with somnolence. 'Chief of ER, Dr Min.' read his nametag.

"Yes. I'm the transferee." I said with a deep bow as scoffed in my direction, "I look forward to working with you."

"Just try not to mess up." He murmured as I looked up at him and nodded.

"Do I get a new schedule?"

"Schedule? You know that you're standing in the ER, right? Emergency response." He spoke out arrogantly with hints of sarcasm in his tone. "People don't 'schedule' their emergencies."

"So... I should...?" I mumbled in the tone of a question.

"Just be on your toes," He spoke out as he turned around, ready to walk away. "Patients can come in at any time, so, make sure to keep a clear mind to make rational and quick decisions."

With that, he began to walk away. However untimely, he halted and faced me once more.

"One more thing," He spoke. "As your new mentor, the next time you go drinking, try not to throw up on me."

Leaving me speechless as he walked away, I finally understood why he so reluctant to speak with me. On the bright side, I finally knew who I had vomited on.

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. I was given no task nor instructions. I stood there, feeling like a lost fish thinking to myself, 'so this is how Nemo felt.'

Looking around the ER, I had seen the most active health care workers ever. Doctors were running around the ward trying to get from point A to point B, nurses answering seemingly endless phone calls.

"Dr Choi! A patient is arriving in five minutes," The nurse at the receptions desk asked. "Can you and Dr Min take care of it?"

"I- c-can I..." I mumbled, feeling the weight of her words but also realising how important this is. "Yes! I can! Details?"

"Extreme abdominal pain, nausea and cramps," she said. "That's what the caller described it as."

"Ok, I'll prepare a room."

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