4 - Alphabet Board

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"Come in," I yelled as I sat up from my bed to get a better view of the door.

I was surprised when Jungkook suddenly jumped on me and encaged me in his arms. Out of the blue, he interrogated me about my first day, bombarding me with questions before I could even get time to process his presence.

I had told him about everything that happened. Well, almost everything. I may have skipped the part about my mentor being the same man who inspired me to become a doctor. He didn't need to know that.

He sat at the edge of my bed and gave me an apologetic face whilst I reached the end of my story. He grabbed me by my shoulders to hug me tightly to calm me down after this tiresome day.

"I'm sorry for getting you drunk! You're still going to continue, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head at him and gave him a small smile. My determination outweighs my frustration by far.

"I'm not going to give up and give him what he wants."

He knew how hard I worked to get here. Both he and I would have hated to see it all go to waste. He pulled my arm to lift me off my bed to begin placing all of my belongings into the boxes.

I asked him to pack the clothes in my wardrobe away since he was taller and could reach the top shelves without a stool - as I would need. I was taking care of my novels and manga from the bookshelf.

"Hey, Jungkook," I whispered as he hummed in my direction. "Even if you're not sick, you're still gonna come visit, right?"

"Y/n, Of course!" He giggled at me, "How else would I protect my best friend from the big bad world?"

I snickered at his response.

It hurts me to be away from my best friend. We've been by each other's side for so long. We know everything about each other.

"So..." he mumbled, holding up a white bra, "which box should I put your underwear in?"

The next morning, I woke up to see Jungkook asleep next to me in my bed. It wasn't an awkward thing for us since we're almost like siblings. I left him to sleep more as I got ready for work.

Another 45-minute commute. Ok the bright side, I was still early. As I had approached the hospital door, I got a text from Jungkook.


<Y/n!! Why didn't you wake me up?]

[Well, what kind of friend would I be If I woke such a peaceful sleeper up?>

<The type that cares about his job?>.<]

I broke into soft laughter at the emoji he used. He's seriously too cute for words.

"If you have time to laugh at your phone, maybe you should practise your needlework."

I looked up to see Dr Kim Seokjin walking past me, his eyes focused on the entrance.

"Well, maybe if you let me handle needles, I could," I mumbled under my breath in a condescending tone as he stopped to look back at me.

"Did you say something?" He asked as I gave an irritated smile and shook my head at him, denying his question.


[JK, I gotta go. my mentor just got here. Have a good day at work.>

<Thanks, you too. Fighting!<3]

I entered the hospital ready to do a better job today than I did yesterday. Dr Kim was serious when he said I couldn't deal with needles anymore. He took all of the blood tests today. I didn't even get to sterilise them. I wonder how long this will last.

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