6 - Patients vs Patience

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<Y/n POV>

Finally, after an exhausting day, I think all I needed was to kick back and relax with Jungkook and RJ. I was physically exhausted, emotionally confused, not to mention mentally strained.

On my very first day in the ER, I was put on the spot. A wave of fear hit me as soon as Dr Min began asking me for a diagnosis. I kept doubting myself, but in the end I think I might have proved myself.

The patient that had been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy earlier was rushed to theatre to undergo laparoscopic surgery. According to the surgeon in charge, all had gone well and there was no permanent damage. She is still asleep due to the anaesthesia, meaning that I would have to wait for the next day to pop in.

The most upsetting part of everything today was that I felt betrayed by the man who inspired me. Dr Kim Seokjin.

Was he nice to me five years ago because I was young? Maybe he just saw me as a child back then, he did seem to have a soft spot for children. Does that mean that he sees me as a woman now? I guess not. If he did then maybe he'd have more respect for me.

Those were the self-degrading thoughts I had just before my mother had called.

"Mom? Hey. What's up?"

"Y/n-ah! The movers are here! Where are you?" She asked worriedly over the call.

"What? Already?" I yelped, "I'm on my way now. Let me call Jungkook."

Without even waiting for a response, I hung up the call. The movers weren't supposed to have been there for at least another hour. I dialled Jungkook's number and after three agonisingly long rings, he answered.

"Y/n! Hey!" He said happily and unsuspectingly, "How was your day?"

"Kookie-ah! I need a favour..."


"So, basically you saved a women's life today?" He asked while unpacking the last of my books.

Aside from unpacking my belongings, I was telling Jungkook all about my crazy day. I seemed a bit nonchalant about it, but it was definitely a day I will remember for a long while.

"Well, anyone could have done it,"  I argued back as RJ huffed on the floor, being a vicarious embodiment of me, "I just made lucky guesses."

"Y/n. You always sell yourself short." Jungkook crooned as he placed down the last box.

"Jungkook. If I were to be sold, I'd get refunded."

"You know what I mean." He chuckled, "Anyone could have done it, but it wasn't just anyone, Y/n. It was you. Take pride in that."

The room filled with silence after Jungkook's words of wisdom. It isn't that I felt attacked by his words, but rather, I needed that moment of silence to reflect on the past five years. Looking back on everything, despite having it rough, I never once regretted my path.

"Y/n," Jungkook called out, breakin the silence that lingered between us, "you're gonna be just fine."

The Next Morning

"So, which side is the ER?" Jungkook asked as we walked closer to the hospital entrance.

There I was, giving a tour to my best friend who walked me to work. I didn't have to wake up as early this morning. It is great living closer to the hospital. That extra half hour of sleep did wonders.

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