chapter 1

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Hello :) this is a short nouis story btw lmao

Well here ya go

Chapter 1

I hate moving.....its a chore and no one wants to do it....its a small house in a small town , I like it light red small brick house no one has lived in it for about two years......I heard there was a accident.....I don't know what though....something about a abusive relationship......and a suicide......I open the door it makes a creepy creek while it opens..... I sigh and walk in having a bag on my shoulder. I moved in all my stuff, by myself yesterday.

I sit down on the couch the only thing really not packed up... It was quiet in till I hear the wooden floor squeak, my eyes shot open and skim across the empty living room.....nothing

It's just a old house....old houses make noises...right?

A cold breeze went by making me shiver...but its 85's that....

"Don't be scared..." A voice whispers cutting me off from my thoughts, I jump up scared....

"Who's there?" I yell nervously... "Show yourself!!" Nothing.... Again

Right than I thought I was going nuts.....than I seen a blond headed boy leaning up against my front door....smiling widely at me.....


Hows that????

Good bad

Just tell me wht u think :)

Or when or if to update!!!!!!!!

Hayden Hayes

you will be the death of me niall horan ~~nouisWhere stories live. Discover now