chapter 10

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Chapter 10


I squeeze my eyes shut ready to die, maybe death would be better..... But nothing happened...I opean my eyes just in time to see liam get pushed hard to the floor, I knew Liam could not see but I could....Niall....

I smile slightly he looks down at me worriedly.

"What was that?!" Liam yelled. Liam seen me smile and walked angerly over to me "fuckn slut." Pointing the gun again, I flinch. Niall knocked the gun out if Liams hand making it slide across the wooden floor. Surprised liam stood dumbfounded. I laugh slightly.

"Go-" I choke out. Liam only smile running over eyes locked on me and gets his revolver. With one single movement he pulls the trigger right when Niall trys to get it. The bullet hitting only centmeters away from me. I sit up and quickly scoot in the cornor. Niall runs up to me holding me bringing me closer to him.

"It's out of bullets..." He said in my ear, right when he does I hear liam say under his breath....

"Shit, god damn it"

"I love you Louis I should of told you that...." He whispered pecking my cheek. I smiled and locked eyes with the one I truly fell in love with......

'Love you more than ever...." I thought so liam could not here, I knew Niall heard it, he just smiled at me showing his crooked teeth.

Liam pulled my hair forcing me to look at him. Brown met blue and I knew something was going to happend, I had a premonition feeling in my veins. He smiled widely at me, anger making his eyes look almost black. I tried getting out of his strong hold, but he punched me hard in the mouth making me taste blood rather quickly. I stopped, scared.

"Looks like your lucky Tomlinson...." He chuckled bitterly "but not to Lucky" I seen him pull something out of his pocket.

"LOUIS, GO! RUN! HURRY!!" I heard a Irish accent yell but it was too late.

Liam stabed me in the stomach with a switch blade, I gasped loudly the pain unreal to anything I have ever felt before. I fell to the ground with a thud. Liam smiled one last time before running out leaving. Niall ran up to me falling to hos knees beside me, tears ran down his cheeks. His hand lightly went above my wound. Tears and crys of pain were the only thing coming out of me.

"I-I'm so-sorry l-l-Louis I didn't...I didn't see him-" he stopped when I brought my hand to his cheek. I smiled weakly. Nialls hand rested it on mine so I wouldn't let go.

"No I...can be with you" I managed to say.

"You have so much to live for though..." He said so quiet I could barley hear.

"To late now..." I chuckle before coughing. Things were starting to get blury, everywere hurt, it was to much to handle....I felt nialls lips on mine, it was a simple passionate kiss, that did not take away any pain.

"I love you forever Lou..." The voice seemed so far he was leaving, but no I was the one leaving, leaving to go to a better place a place pain free, a place were I don't have to be scared, a place with Niall..... He knew I was leaving, and I knew he wanted me to...he just won't say it.....

"Forever..." I said, when I shut my eyes, everything went quite....everything was gone.....

Forever seemed like a long time and it was I could not wait to spend my forever with the one I truly loved....he was my forever........



How was that??

There will be a epilogue...don't worry





Tell me how ya thought???



Good at times??

Awwww hell with it I liked it :)


Thanks for reading

You will be the death of me Niall horan


you will be the death of me niall horan ~~nouisWhere stories live. Discover now