chapter 5 louis story

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Chapter 5


September 16, 2010

2 years ago

"Love you forever...." Liam whispered in my ear, I smiled and wrap my arms around his neck

"I love you to lili" our lips connect for a quick moment and let go.

"Promise me we will be together forever" I said setting my head on his shoulder.

"I will.....promise"

It started off amazing he was everything I ever wanted, every thing I needed but....things changed...quickly after our first year

March 27, 2011

A hard slap went across my face. Tears fell down my face.

"Liam..." I whispered, the pain was unbearable it hurt a lot more when that person is somebody who 'loves' you. He graves my hair pulling me up from my place on the floor and forcing me to look at him. "Please....stop" I whimper his Brown eyes burned into mine,

"Don't try to leave me you tramp...." I sniffle

"I w-wasn't leaving....I was going out with Ha-" he cuted me off with a punch to the face,

"You one will want you....your lucky you have me...." Liam pushes me down on the floor. My sobs became louder.

"Lili....I love o-only y-y-you" he kicks me in the ribs, blood ran down my lip from the last punch.

"Slut" was the last thing he said before he stormed away leaving me a crying, bloody, broken mess on the floor.

I loved liam, I could not leave....even if I wanted to he'll kill me....and he made that a promise


Liams the reason I moved.....I ran away when he was asleep. I moved from Doncaster to mulingar quickly, Harry helped me and moved with I wouldn't go back. University did not go well, liam did not like the chance of people seeing the beat he made me drop out.....

Having the person you love hurt you in ways you never thought was possible changes you......

I thought if I stayed he would change....that never happened....

Love hurts....but liam did not love me.....he loved hurting me.....

you will be the death of me niall horan ~~nouisWhere stories live. Discover now