Card/Post-it Method

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This is my personal favorite way to outline a novel, and it works so well for me! But if it doesn't work for you, that's totally okay!

So what you do is take small cards, papers or post-its and write down plot points and small moments that occur in your story. I like to use different colored pens to organize the category, because you'll be moving these later. For example, if the plot point relates to friendship I write it in orange, if it relates to violence I write it in red, and so on.
Even if you're not sure you'll use it, write it down. Write everything down! This is your brainstorm moment, where everything that comes to mind is written down. Write down characters, plot points, dialogue, locations, conversations, literally EVERYTHING. I'm serious though write it down.
Everything should get it's own little card.
Once this is done you get to do the fun part! Place all of the cards in front of you so you can read all of them, and start moving them around. Put each card in order of when it takes place. I like using cards because if I change my mind about when something should happen, I can move it easily to where I want.

This is my classic method to use when outlining or brainstorming a new novel, I hope it makes sense to you!

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