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I desired world domination ,
So I could rid this world of evil's contamination.
That seems impossible now,
For their exists a set of selfish nations,
Always letting innocents fall under their selfish dictations.
We don't need your illogical explanations.
We loved peace with determination.
They let us dwell in suffocation.
Those who truly fought for peace are going through elimination,
When they teach me lessons of history,
all I feel is that the truth is a mystery.
They wish to let us rot in misery.
I feel like they just want us all to love liberty,
I feel that in the end of this,chaos will be the discovery.
Who will achieve victory?
True peace or somebody's desire for high esteem?
Will we scream?
Or will we achieve our dream?
We can't even work as a team.
how can we have peace?
Even if we are a team,
Could we work for the right?
Could we even neglect all our desires for might?

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