Clouded Judgement - M

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Danny floated in front of Vlad's portal, conflicted. If he had an ounce of sense left, he would turn around and go home. Unfortunately, his lust far outweighed his logic. He passed through the portal, throwing aside his better judgement.

Vlad was currently working in his lab, so needless to say he was surprised when he heard his portal open. He rapidly took a defensive stance. He whirled around, quickly transforming into his spectral form. When the familiar form of the younger half-ghost stepped out, he lowered his guard.

"Daniel?" He inquired, changing back. Something was wrong with the boy. His eyes were glazed and he seemed to stumble over his own feet. Oh dear... the older male immediately thought. He knew that look; he'd experienced it himself. "Daniel, listen to me."

Danny glanced up at him, lurching towards him. Vlad took a step back. The boy tumbled directly into his broad chest and looked up. "Help..." He purred, clutching the man's suit.

"Daniel, you're not thinking straight." He insisted, taking another step back and bumping into his desk. Several papers fluttered to the ground as he adjusted his hand. He grabbed the young halfa's shoulders, attempting to push him back. Danny just murmured irritably and pushed harder into him.

The ghost pressed a cheek against the warm, broad chest beneath him. God, Vlad felt so good...  It was unbearable. He grasped at the suit, desperate to be as close to the warmer ghost as possible. "C'mon Vlad... you promised you'd help." He whined.

Vlad was beginning to sweat nervously. "I did help, Daniel. I gave you your options!" He leaned into the desk, searching for a way out that didn't involve blasting the boy.

Danny hissed, eyes flashing an even brighter green. "It's not working! I already tried!" He whimpered, looking up at Vlad with tears in his eyes. 

Vlad gulped, moving his hands to grab Danny's wrists. "Daniel, I can't-" The ghost boy growled, dramatically grinding his hips against Vlad's leg. The older male twitched, heartbeat quickening. This was not good.

"Please..." He whimpered. "There's- there's nothing else I can do." All sense of shame had drained from Danny. He was completely overwhelmed by desperate arousal. There was no way he was stopping, and Vlad could see that.

Defeated, Vlad teleported the two onto the couch in his library. Danny hummed, seemingly pleased at this decision. He attempted to pin Vlad down, but the man's eyes flashed red and he grabbed his arms.

"If I have to care for you, I'm going to do it the easiest way possible for both of us." He growled. This boy was going to be the death of him. He was surprised he hadn't already suffered heart failure from the stress Danny put on him. He leaned against the arm of the couch, grabbed Danny, and spun him around so he was facing away from him. Maybe he'd feel less guilty if he didn't need to see the boy's face.

Danny yelped at Vlad's sudden adjustments, but leaned back into his lap comfortably. His clouded mind was growing impatient, however. He whined, wiggling against him. "Hurry up alreadyyy..." The building arousal in his groin was becoming painful, and he was desperate for release.

"You are by far the most difficult boy I've ever had to deal with," Vlad huffed, wrapping one arm around Danny's chest and tugging down his pants with his free hand. "Let's get this over with then, shall we?" He leaned his head back and to the side, trying to ignore the fact that he was about to give a hand-job to his 18 year old enemy. He slipped a hand around Danny's erection.

Danny immediately let out a deep sigh of pleasure. Just that simple touch felt like electricity shooting through his veins. He moved a hand to grab Vlad's arm. He melted like putty in the grip of the older male, gasping frantically as his hand increased speed. His knees lurched upwards and his toes curled. He bit his lip, trying to suppress a cry as Vlad swiped his thumb over the tip of his cock. "Ah! Hhholy s-shit, nngh..."

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