Unfortunate Timing - S

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It had been several weeks since Danny's... experience at Vlad's. He knew he'd have to talk to him eventually, and he'd finally made up his mind to go today. He refused to let himself second-guess his choice. It'd be easy, right? Just fly over, apologize profusely, and leave. Easy. 

Danny sat fidgeting on his bed, taking sharp breaths. What if something goes wrong? What if he attacks me? What if he thinks I'm disgusting? What if-  His mind was racing. He was worrying about every possible thing that could go wrong. He'd spent most of the day like this, it was already evening. He held his head between his hands and groaned. He smacked the sides of his head and took a deep breath.

Okay! You can do this! He assured himself, quickly getting to his feet. No big deal. No big deal. He repeated in his head, trying to calm himself down. Maybe Vlad had forgotten! No, that was wishful thinking. 

He let out a long "ughhhhhh" as he shifted into his spectral form. He turned invisible and intangible before sinking straight through the floor and into the ghost portal. 

He'd made it about halfway to Vlad's before he heard a familiar voice call out to him. He swung around, ending up face to face with Ember.

"Hey there, babypop!" She exclaimed. She looked him up and down suspiciously, floating a few feet back. "Are you feeling better?"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He was still embarrassed about the other day. "Yeah, thanks. Look, I'm really sorry about before. I wasn't in control of myself and I feel terrible. I'm--"

Ember cut him off. "Relax, dude. I know the feel." She playfully punched his shoulder. "I still get to hold it against you, though. So where are you headed in such a hurry?" She snickered, floating idly in front of the boy. She seemed to be in a good mood today. She was relaxed and even a little peppy. Her blue flame hair was dancing rhythmically above her.

Danny immediately flushed bright green. "Ugh, don't remind me..." He groaned, holding his head in his hands. He stayed silent for several seconds before slightly raising his head and muttering, "I might have made a couple stupid choices while I was in heat." 

Ember coughed, trying not to laugh. Eventually she lost it and burst out laughing. "Oh my god! Hahaha! Did sweet little babypop have a one night stand?!" She cackled in excitement, wiping a tear from her eye. She was floating, curled in on herself in laughter.

"No!" He cried. "I didn't... sleep with anyone." He grumbled, crossing his arms. Ember raised an eyebrow, curious to know more. Frustrated, Danny sighed and continued, "I just... made a dumb choice regarding my arch-nemesis." Ember lost it.

"Pffft- HAHAHAHA!" She howled in laughter. "Oh my god that's epic, what happened? Tell me more, I need to know. Did he get you off?" She pressed, leaning forward on her elbows in the air, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Danny huffed. "I am NOT telling you more! I know you'll just spread a rumor around the Ghost Zone!" He shoved her out of the way, turning his legs into a wispy tail and making a run for it.

"Aww, babypop! C'mon, I was just teasing!" She called after him, but made no move to follow. She shrugged. Still grinning, she told herself, "whatever, he'll come around," before flying off in the direction of Skulker's island.


Danny finally arrived at Vlad's portal. He hesitated, hovering in front of it for several moments. His mind was still racing with paranoid thoughts of what could happen. He just needed to be as quick as possible. He bolted through the portal, ending up in a pitch black, empty lab. Huh. 

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