Thoughts - S

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A/N: This chapter is G aside from one picture at the very end :)

This was a problem. Danny's feet tapped lightly against the roof as he landed on a randomly chosen building in town. He sighed deeply, sitting on the edge of the roof so his feet dangled in the open air. 

Everything was so confusing right now. Since his birthday, his life had been a whirlpool of emotions. It seemed like Danny had no time to just... think. He sighed again. His mind was in turmoil. 

How was he supposed to handle this situation with Vlad? The man was his enemy. He was evil. Vlad only cared about his own personal gain. He would do anything to help himself without remorse or acknowledgement of the harm he caused.

Danny's brows furrowed.

Then what was with this new side to him?

Recently, Vlad had been caring. He'd been gentle, understanding, even patient. At least, more patient than usual with Danny. He had helped Danny through the recent situations, despite how uncomfortable it may have been for both of them. Why was Vlad being so understanding? Danny just didn't get it. The boy leaned into his hands, covering his face. He sighed again in frustration.

Danny knew how to handle Plasmius. He knew how to deal with the evil Vlad. This odd kindness, this gentleness, it was completely throwing him off. Hell, they had played keep-away less than half an hour ago! Normally he had to worry about Vlad beating the shit out of him, not refusing to give him a present!

The present. Vlad had gotten him a present. Danny removed his hands from his face. Vlad doesn't give presents. That's just how it was. Vlad was supposed to be heartless! The halfa growled in frustration, utterly confused.

He turned around, remembering he had brought the present with him. He held it in silence for several moments before gently untying the delicate ribbon. It felt wrong to try and tear apart the gift like he would on any other occasion. He slid the lid off the box and was faced with very fancy, sparkly tissue paper. He carefully lifted it before his jaw dropped in shock.

In the box rested a Nintendo Switch.

Vlad got him a Switch.

What the fuck?

He vaguely remembered making a side comment about his parents spending their money on ghost materials rather than important things like technology while he and Plasmius had been fighting. Vlad had been sneering about his endless wealth, trying to bribe Danny. The boy had made a comment along the lines of, "What, are you trying to tempt me with a Switch?"

Vlad had remembered a single snarky comment during an insignificant battle.

Danny blinked, still trying to process. He felt a tug of guilt in his chest, recalling his harsh thoughts about the man earlier. He was still completely baffled, confused as to why Vlad fucking Plasmius would go this far. He ran his hands through his hair, feeling increasingly distressed. Vlad doesn't do apologies! He doesn't do emotions! He doesn't do caring! He thought to himself angrily. 

Why did Vlad have to make this so confusing for him?


Meanwhile, Vlad was sulking.

He wouldn't admit that, of course, but he was sulking. He sat in his library in one of the more secluded corners, curled up in one of the plush lounge chairs. He had a cup of tea settled on the side table next to him, and a comforting blanket wrapped around his legs.

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