Chapter #1:

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"Do you have everything?" My best friend Giselle asked over the phone. I am older than her by 6 months and yet she always acts likes she's my mother. Just because she is much more organized, prepared, and smarter than I am she acts like I will forget the smallest thing. Granted I did manage to forget to bring a sleeping bag when I went camping with her but I learned my lesson after she lectured me for the millionth time.

"Yes mom I did remember everything!" I snarky said. I mean she is my best friend in the world but sometimes she can be too much.

"Even your toothbrush and toothpaste?" Giselle asked. I looked into my stuff and realized I didn't have it so I quickly ran into the washroom I share with my younger brothers and grabbed it.

"Yes! Now I've got it!" I said as I packed them into tissue paper and put them into my luggage pocket. "Why again do we need it? We are staying at my aunts house and I can promise you that she will have enough toothbrushes."

"Okay 1st of all we can never be too prepared and 2nd don't say it like that! We aren't going to just your aunt house. We are going to your aunts house who lives in LA!!! LA can you believe it? We are spending the entire summer in LA!!!!" Giselle screams in glee. I can picture her dancing around her room, listening to music, talking to me, and packing her stuff. I can almost see the joy on her face as her smiles goes from her dimples on her chin all the way to her forehead. I can see her brown hair dancing in the wind that her air conditioner is blowing as she hates when her room isn't cold and windy.

The thing I love about Giselle is she isn't fake. She is 100% real. When she's happy you know about it and when she is upset, she will never tell you because she doesn't want to ruin the mood, but when she's happy, man when she is happy, she's amazing. She is also the most honest, kindest, sweetest, most amazing person ever which makes sense because I don't make friends easily. But she has always been right there for me which is why I am so happy I get to take her to her favourite place on the planet, LA.

"Can you imagine all the things we are going to see?? All the things we get to do??? All the food we are going to eat??" Giselle says while giggling and probably hopping up and down in her room. "I need to tell you about what we are going to do, you need to come over!!!"

"Ok I will be right there!!!" I said as I grabbed my stuff. I was supposed to meet her at her house in an hour so that we can go over her itinerary of things she wants to do in LA. Ever since I told her that my aunt is allowing us to come visit all summer long she has been quickly checking out every travel website and L.A. activities map and has been sculpting out her dream vocation. I just hope it is everything she wants it to be.

I quickly rush around my room finishing my packing and making sure I have everything when my phone rings. I see it is my aunt calling probably making sure I have everything. She is a worrywart just like my best friend.

"Hey Aunt Rosemary! Don't worry I have everything!" I say while sitting  on my suitcase trying to fit everything in.

"Hey Meghan! That's great that you have everything! Did Giselle give you your packing list?" She asked knowing my friendship dynamic.

"Yes she did and reminded me everyday! Though I have to go see her in half an hour!" I say as I try and wiggle to see if that will help.

"That's good! So I am going to cut right to the chase you can't come to visit me this summer anymore!" She said the last part quickly hoping that I didn't hear it or that she could rip of the news like she does with bandages. Knowing how much she loves being a doctor, I will bet the second part.

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly completely still.

"I'm so sorry Meghan! But you can't come!!! I have to go volunteer with doctors beyond borders this summer...." She said with obvious guilt in her voice.

"Can't you do it next summer??" I asked hoping she says yes even though I know that when she makes a decision she sticks to it.

"No I can't! There is a health crisis in South America and I have to go help solve it before it becomes another pandemic!" She says. This is why I really like my aunt she is always working for other people and trying her best to save the world. Though I wish that it didn't interfere with this trip.

"Why can't we still come and just stay with your roommate?" My aunt has a smoking hot roommate that she says she has no feelings for but with a guy that sexy how could you not. He's 6ft tall, got a six pack, beautiful tanned skin, green eyes and brown short hair. Damn he's gorgeous!

"Because I know how Layton is. He is not strong enough to keep you in line." She said in a teasing voice. She knows about my crush on him but also about how I tend to do what I want when I want to.

"I will behave I promise!" I said in a pleading tone hoping to change her mind. I will act nice if I have too to be able to see Layton and to more importantly give Giselle the summer she deserves.

"Sorry kiddo! I can't risk it! You understand right?" She asks also in a pleading but commanding voice. Telling me she's sorry but leaving me with no other option.

"Yes fine I understand!" I say as I know that I won't change her mind and that without her consent I can't go visit. I just have to find a way to break it to Giselle.

"Thanks! But maybe next year?" She says.

"I am going to hold you to it!" I said in a demanding voice.

"Yes I promise! I've got to go but can you please tell your parents about your change in schedule?" She said as someone interrupts her.

" I have to go now bye!" She says and hangs up.

This is fine! I just have to find a way to break it to Giselle. She will understand right??

Ok well I guess it's harder to break your best friends heart than I thought it was. I went to her house completely sure that I was going to tell her and even coming up with a plan. But than this happened.

"Aren't you excited? We are going to be going to Disneyland, shopping in Malibu, swimming with dolphins, exploring celebrities houses the whole sub-bang!" She says with cheer in her voice and while clapping her hands.

"I am but we aren't going until Friday! Why do you have all your stuff down here?" I ask as today is only Tuesday.

"Because I am so excited! After my parents divorced and my sister got back together with her abusive boyfriend I need something to go right! You are the only good thing in my life!" Giselle said while holding back tears. The main reason why I want this trip to go well is because I want this trip to help cheer up after the hellish year she had so far. This is also the reason why I do the next thing,

"Yes I am so excited to!!! We are definitely going!!!" I say as she comes and hugs me.

What did I just do????

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