Chapter #3:

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Meghan's POV:
I knew I shouldn't have let it go this far, but I didn't know how to stop it. After telling Giselle that we were going on Tuesday, I tried to do the right thing by telling her that we couldn't go. I really tried to, but every time she looked at me, I just lose my cool and lose my mind, and don't tell her. I also tried to tell my parents about what happened but every time I was about to bring it up, I felt bad because I knew that I should tell Giselle first.

I did not mean to bring it this far, but here we are on our way to the airport.

This morning I woke up knowing it was my last chance to make this right. I woke up early to think through what I was going to tell Giselle, I thought it over and decided that I was going to tell it to her straightforwardly. It would be like ripping a bandage, if I did it quickly, it hopefully won't too bad and it wouldn't ruin our friendship.

I was supposed to go see Giselle in the morning to help her find the best outfit to wear and to review the itinerary one last time. I took several deep breaths, before knocking the door. I was met with Giselle's sister,
Ray who had a big bruise on her face, letting me know that her boyfriend hurt her again. She opened the door for me, and put her hand over the bruise trying to hide it with an embarrassed look on her face.

I knew that as much as Giselle did not like what was happening and as much as Ray tried to say she was fine, I knew that Ray also knew that it was not fine and that she also did not like what was happening, but she didn't know how to get out. I feel like as much as Giselle hated her sister for letting it happening, I knew that both of the sisters did not know what to do.

"Giselle is in her room getting ready. I am really happy you are taking her away from the craziness happening here. Please take care of her." Ray said looking me in the eyes as she escorted me to Giselle's room. Right before I could tell her that she should get out of the relationship and that she was better than this, she left. I decided I was just going to talk to her about it later after we came back.

I knocked on Giselle's door and waited for her to open it. She opened it after a couple of knocks, and looked ecstatic. I could see that her room was a mess and that she had her bags packed and her itinerary out in the open.

"Hey Giselle. I know you did a lot of hard work to get ready for the trip. But I have some bad news." I started thinking this is the safest way to go.

"What happened?" She asked me with lots of fears in her eyes. She held her breathe and hesitated looking at me. I hated seeing her this way.

"It's that we can't go." I said as I gave her a pleading look, hoping she understood.

"We can't go! Of course we can't." She said with tears in her eyes and with sadness in her throat, which somehow also chocked me. "I'm fine." She looked at me as she started to wipe her tears away. "It's fine."

I hated seeing her this way and knowing that I was the one doing it. I decided that I had to do something to erase that pain. And I chose to stupidly say "I didn't mean we can't go to LA. I meant that we can't go to the airport too late because I heard that there is going to be very big lines. And look we only have 4 hours to our flight. We must leave now!" I pulled her up and hugged her.

"Thank god!" She said as she put her hands in a praying motion. "I was so worried. After my sister got into another fight with her boyfriend last night, this was the only think that helped me make it through. You are the only thing helping me make it through." She said as she hugged me back really hard.

And this is how we got here. After this she got her stuffed pack quickly and said goodbye to her sister, who put on makeup to hide her bruise, and her mom. We loaded Ray's car with her stuff and drove to my place. When I got there, I put my stuff in the car and hugged my parents, who told me to make sure I keep safe and not do anything dumb, not realizing the most stupidest thing that I could do is what I was doing then.

As we drove, hours early for the flight, I kept thinking. What am I going to do? I know that we can get on the plane because our tickets were already paid for, but once we got there, we had to find a place to stay that wasn't my aunts house, without anyone getting suspicious, especially Giselle. Then I would need to be able to afford the trip without my aunts help, which would be impossible.

"Aren't you excited?" Giselle said as she looked at me with brightness in her eyes. I loved seeing her this way.

"Yea!" I said thinking about how much money it would be to sell my organs. You may be wondering why is it so difficult to just tell her? Well you don't know her. She is sweet and kind, but her life wasn't like that for her. She went through so much and as her best friend I wanted to make things better, not worse. I couldn't afford to see her sad again and knowing that I'm the reason. I would rather do anything but that.

I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and turned to see Giselle pointing to the outside of the car and saying "We're here!" I looked around to see see that we already got to the airport and I got out of the car with my mind still a mess.

"Do you gals know where you are going?" Ray asked as she helped us get our stuff out of the car. Giselle went to go get a cart leaving me and Ray alone.

"Yea we are going to the Domestic Flight Zone in the 2nd Section of the Departure building." I say without question as I learned the route by heart after Giselle drilled me on it, so that she knows that if we get separated, I will still make it onto the flight.

"Okay great." She said as she rubbed her arm. "You know about this morning..."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said realizing that she looked in pain trying to explain what happened. "It's not my business."

"Thanks." She said as she looked at me with smile of relief.

"Just know that we are here for you no matter what and that you deserve better." I tell her giving her a tight hug.

"Is everything alright here?" Giselle said as she returned.

"Yes everything is fine." Ray said as we moved all our bags from the car to the cart. "Have fun and stay safe over there!" Ray said as she embraced her sister.

"Don't worry we will be. Promise me you will stay safe here." She said as she slowly got out of the embrace to look at her sister.

"I will be." She said as she got into the car and waved goodbye.

"Are you ready?" Giselle said as I pushed the cart and she gave out directions.

"Yea more than I'll ever be." I said as I pushed the cart into the airport knowing that there was no way out of this.

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