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Giselle's POV:
"I hate you so much!" I hear my older sister yell from downstairs. She probably got into another fight with her boyfriend. I have always told her that he wasn't good enough for her and that she could do better but she says that he loves her and that when I get older I will understand.

The only thing is that I am 16 already, only 5 years younger than her, and I already understand. No guy who loves you will ever put his hands on you, he will never even think of it. I am not saying that couples are all sunshine and rainbows like I thought it was when I was younger. Disney movies are never great at showing realistic relationships. Realistic relationships are heartbreak and pain, but it should never be violent.

"Don't talk to me like that!" I hear my sisters boyfriend yell from downstairs, the same place my sister was. I quickly run out of my room and stop on top of the staircase. I peak around the corner making sure everything is alright.

"I can talk to you anyway I want to!" My sister yelled. I can see the strong frustration on her face. If I have to guess what happened, than I would probably guess him disrespecting her by flirting with another girl in front of her. That's another thing I would never understand, a guy who loves you is someone who cherishes you and not takes you for granted.

I hear a loud slap and see my sister grab her face. Before I can even think about it, I run down the stairs and put myself between them.

"Don't you ever touch my sister like that!" I say as I poked him with every work stressing out every syllable. I stare at him with anger and disdain. How dare he hurt my sister!

"I'm okay you can go!" My sister says while grabbing my shoulders and pushing me toward the stairs.

"But Rey!" I said holding my ground.

"No! Go Now!" My sister yelled while pointing at the stairs. She has never yelled at me before. And I can see her being even more frustrated. I turn to look at her boyfriend and see him be even angrier. And even though I know I shouldn't, I left and went up stairs.

I ran as fast as I could back to my room, closed my door behind me and grabbed my body trying to catch my breath. I feel so much anger and hatred. Anger at my sisters boyfriend for hitting her, anger at my sister for staying with him and anger at myself for leaving like that.

I keep my back on the door listening to my sister and her boyfriend fight. I don't want to go downstairs again but I won't hesitate too if he yells or hits her again. I can hear her crying and him apologizing, I can hear some mumbled speaking and what it sounds like to be kissing sounds.

I guess she forgave him again like always. I hear her push him out of the house saying that their mom is going to wake up at any time and that he needs to go. He kisses her and goes.

Now that I know my sister is okay, I quietly walk to my dresser and look over my LA itinerary. I looked at the glittered up itinerary that I put stickers on, glued pictures of all the places we are going on and put into 2 different Duo-Tang's, a purple/pink flowery one for me and a green/bluish nature one for Meghan. I can't wait to go on this trip. Not only do I love LA but I really need to get out of this house. I can not live like this anymore without having a break.

I hear someone knocking on my door. I open it to see my sister with her long black hair running down her shoulders, her messed up makeup from crying, and a bruise forming on her face. I can't believe that this is want Andre turned my beautiful sister into. I hate Andre with everything I am and everything I have. I hate him more than I thought I would hate anyone.

"Can I come in?" She asks pointing at my messy room. My room is never this messy, I am kind of a clean freak, but with how excited I am to leave here and go to LA my room shape has definitely been the last thing on mind.

"Sure." I say. I see her walk into my room and straighten up a couple of my clothes that I threw on my bed, so that she will have a clean place to sit on.

"I know what you saw out there was difficult. But don't worry about it. He was drunk and did not know what he was doing. He apologized and broke down crying when you went upstairs he didn't want you to hate him. But I'm afraid that it's too late?" She said with a sad smile on her face.

"Of course its too late! No matter what, even if he was drunk or stressed, that is no excuse for him to hit you!" I yelled trying to get it though her head that this wasn't love.

"I know how you feel and how it much look. But he is a really good guy when he isn't drunk!" She said defending him. I think that it's sad that she is defending him but can't defend herself against him. I try to think of something to say but from seeing how hurt she is I decided against it.

"Please don't tell mom!" She begged. "You know how stressed she is and this will not help."

I know that my mom is going through a lot right now. She is really depressed after she caught dad cheating on her and found out that he was having an affair. Even worse was that she still loved him and wanted to make it work, but he didn't. He left her for his mistress and gave her the divorce papers like they were nothing. I don't know why this happens. It reminds me of my favourite quote from the Perks of Being a Wallflower "We accept the love we think we deserve."

"Okay I won't tell her." I say knowing that this was the best for everybody. "But please stay safe!"

"I will don't worry. Maybe tomorrow we could watch a movie before you leave." Rey said as she hugged me, kissed my forehead and left.

I feel like I am a wallflower who sees the entire world happening around her and not being in control or being part of any of it. I feel like I would be a wallflower, if it wasn't for my best friend, Meghan, who always made me feel seen and loved. She always made me feel in control and like I could make something of myself, better than what my family had. She is the best thing I have in my life and I can't wait until Friday, until I get to leave here and explore LA with my best friend and the best person I know.

I look down at the calendar and see that Friday is tomorrow. I finally made it!

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