Dont mess with me!

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This is unbelievable the names on this list is just unbelievable, Nina, Greg, Joe, Daniel, Garry, Ashley they are my pack member, nina and greg are the ones we found running from rogues greg being one of them but forced, the others have been here for years i put the paper down and looked at everyone "this cant be real" i said still not believing it "yeah...i mean they been here for years, and greg is my brother i know he wont do this" said james looking at me "lets call them in" said silo we put the triplets in their crib and chrissy on the small bed and asked beth to watched them as we interview the people on the list,

"Who are you working for?" i asked greg that was sitting accros from me in my office "Luna i work for you" he said calmly and i was getting pissed off "im gonna ask you one more time and you better tell me the truth or you will be facing my wolf and you wont like to talk to her" i said looking at him seriously "Luna i swear on my mates life i only serve one person and that is you" he said my wolf nods 'his telling the truth' "go..bring in your mate" i said and he walked out a few seconds later nina walked in "sit" i said and she sat down 'let me have half the control' asked my wolf and i gave her half "who are you working for?" i asked and i saw a flash of fear in her eyes then it disappeared "no one" she said not looking at me i moved my head towards the side to look at her "no one huh?" "i-i- mean y-y-you l-luna" she stuttered i stood up and walked around my desk tp her "your lying to me" i said more like my wolf then she started shaking " i said each word slow and threatening she started to shake badly "they forced me" she said and started crying "t-t-they were gonna kill him" she said "who?!?!" i screamed making the whole house shake "William...he wanted you but couldn't get to you with amy finding out so he planned to take her out" she said sobbing and hiding her face "you will take me to this william person" i said my voice low and threatening and she nods "go" i said pushing her off the seat.

Amy's P.O.V

Its been a day and some hours since i left, i know i was being followed but pretended i didnt know i was running towards the mountains i needed to find a place to ambush them i saw a cave up in the distance and thought it would be a great place to ambush them i ran into the cave and changed to my human form hiding behind the huge boulder rock i heard them stop in front of the cave and changed to their human forms "search every inch of this cave" said one of them "what if we find her?" asked the other one "kill her" said the first one then i heard them walking into the cave i waited till they were infront of me then i came out "who are you? and why are you following me?" i asked taking them off gaurd and they turned in defence mode "you are dead beta" then the first one jumped on me i twisted around grabing his leg then pulled him he fell to the ground groaning i grabbed his hand and stepped on his back then twisted his arm the oppisite side then i looked up to his friend looking at me his eyes buldging out of it sucket the first one was under me screaming "who are you working for?" i asked the first one and he didnt answer i twisted his arm till i heard a snap then the second one getting out of shock jumped on me punched my face and i felt blood coming out then he punched me again then i used my leg to hook it to his neck and switched our position now i was on top with my leg hooked to his neck "you shouldnt have done that" i said the i snapped his neck hearing a snap i stood up and saw the first on slowly getting up i ran over to him face to face his eyes wide and his mouth opened and blood pouring out "" i asked slowly holding his heart in my hands he opened and closed his mouth as i slowly squeezes his heart "i suggest you talk fast" "w-w-will" then he went limp in my hands i took out my hand with his heart in my hand i threw it to the side and walked over to the other one and punched his chest in taking out his heart too then i threw it to the side "dont mess with me" i said then i made my way out of the cave covered in blood the metal smell making me want to puke so i changed to my wolf and ran looking for a lake to wash up 'they just started a war that they cant win' said my wolf 'oh how they gonna regret it' i said oh they will.

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