15 4 2

I wish I was the wind that touches your skin every time it blow
I wish I was the sheets that you cuddle all night long
I wish I was the glass that kisses your lips every time you drink
I wish I was the story that making you bother every time you're thinking about plot twist

I wish I was the one you wish those night you're waiting for 11:11
I wish I was the one you are thinking even before you sleep

I wish I was your mirror reflection that makes you stop and stare
I wish I was your dream that never been nightmare

I wish I was there when you need someone to talk to
I wish I was there to motivate you

I wish I am there by your side
I wish we're on real world where we don't have to lie


Hohoho:> This is dedicated to Role Players in Role Play World, also for my Group Chat the Manunulat(2020) especially to Klein.

Klein pa nga HAHAHAHAHA
Edited: February 23, 2021

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