Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Twilight walked around the children, who slept. The light from the roaring fire outside light up half the room but the children always picked to sleep in the side with the falling snow as it was darker and cooler. Twilight heard sniffles and looked, seeing a unicorn. Twilight walked up to her, seeing her (Coat color) coat.

"(y/n), what are you doing up?" Twilight asked and brushed her (mane color) mane from her eyes. She always gave names to the ponies that came in. You looked at her with your (eye color) eyes as tears streamed down your face.

"Twi, my cutie mark." You said, using her nickname. Twilight looked at your flank and saw that your cutie mark was a cross made out of crystals.

"Oh." Twilight said and sat by you. 

"It's not so bad (y/n)." Twilight said but you knew better. Once a pony, unicorn in particular, is born, they are stripped of all magic by the two queens and taken from their parents and placed into a prison type daycare till they get their cutie marks. 

"You will now get a job. There are three you know. One is to keep the fires at bay for Daybreaker." Twilight said. It was a horrible job that left many ponies burnt. 

"I hate fire. It's hot and it burns." You say. Twilight sighed but gave a nod. Every pony knows you never got a choice. It was up to the queens and their word was law.

"Then maybe shoveling snow for Nightmare Moon." Twilight said. It was a bit easier but still bad. Many ponies had gotten frost bite from doing it for hours on end. You shook your head. 

"No! It's too cold." You said. Twilight gave a nod again.

"The last is to serve the Queens." Twilight said. That was the hardest, but the easiest of the three. Some would make clothes, some pick and grew food or you had to hand out rations to ponies. The worst of that job would be if you worked right under the queens. 

You look at her and hugged her tightly. She hugged you back but you then pulled away. 

"Can't you get rid of my cutie mark?" You asked hopefully. Twilight was silent. She was remembering Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom and how they wanted their cutie marks more then anything in the late Equestira. She remembered that ponies once wanted them but now they fear getting them. Twilight held in tears. The Cutiemark crusaders had disappeared about ten winters ago. Some say they got away, others say they died. Twilight believed they got away though.  

"I'm sorry (y/n), but no magic can rid you of it." Twilight said. You started to cry harder. Twilight held you tight and let out a few tears.

"Hush. Sleep OK. Want to hear about the olden days? When I was just a teen?" Twilight asked, wiping your tears. You gave a nod. She smiled and wiped her tears before you laid on your blanket. Twilight laid down with you.

"Ok. Well, once, a pony around your age asked me to make her cutie mark appear." Twilight said. You looked shocked.

"Why would anyone want one of these things?" You asked. Twilight gave a small smile. 

"Well, back then Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker were princesses with different names and a cutie mark was very special." Twilight said. You gave a yawn. 

"How long ago could that have been?" You asked and closed your eyes. Twilight had a tears in her eyes but they didn't fall. 

"About thirty winters ago. Now, back then, I was sent to go and make friends by one of the princess." Twilight said before you slipped into a deep slumber, worried about tomorrow. Twilight smiled as you slept and stood. She looked out the window, seeing the fire burring bright. She was one of the lucky ones and was given this job by Daybreaker. It was hard, having to feed, teach and help the children all alone but she did her best. She would see Pinkie Pie every now and again when she got the records of the new ponies that were born so when they got older, they could be paired and have children. Twilight sighed sadly. The queens kingdom was worse then when Sombra ruled over the Crystal Empire.   

"One day. One day this will be fixed." Twilight said and  laid back on the ground and pulled you closer to her with her wing. She always said it would be fixed but the truth was no one knew or even believed if it would. No one even knew how the two sister turned into the awful queens they are now, but Twilight had faith. 

She had to keep faith or she would go mad in this new world.        

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