Chapter 10 - Prophecy

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"Hello my Dear Zecora." The smoke pony says. Zecora bows. 

"Madam Rog, my oldes friend, I'm so glad you can attend." Zecora asks. Rog then bows and smiles. you look and see the wind pick up but the Smoke never moves from it. Was this a real pony? She then looks at you. 

"I see. You think this is the one?" She says and walks over. You could smell the smoke coming off her. 

"My child. Do you have the power to control crystals?" She asks. You don't move. Rog then looks back at Zecora. 

"I'm sorry Zecora but only a female unicorn, one with the blood of a crystal empire pony may be the savor you are looking for." She says and turns and walks to the fire. You look at the ground.

"Come Zercoa. Your body can not handle any more time." Rog says. Zecora nods and they both walk to the fire.

"Yes." You whisper, making Rog and Zecora stop. They then turn and look at you. You look near her and see a crystal growing from the ground. Sombra's mouth drops. Rog looks at it and then at you.

"Make a crystal in your hoof." Rog says. You nod and lift your right hoof as a crystal comes out. Ponies start to cheer.

"My child. We much talk." She says and walks over to you. Ponys move away before the only Ponies left are you, Sombra, Rog, Zecora, and her daughter. 

"Your crystals are not just normal crystals. They can heal magic in the uncorns horn.." She says and takes the one from your hoof. She then hands it to Zecora, who crushes it and puts it into some tea.

"Drink and it will be back before you wink." Zecora says and hands you the cup. You take it and drink it. You then gasp and drop the cup as you feel something burst in your horn. It wasn't painful but more like, like you could feel warmth in it. It was moving around in your horn.

"Do not get scared. That is your magic." Rog says. You look at her and you then feel something on your horn and something shoots out. It hits a tree near by and flowers and vines wrap around it. You back up.

"D-Did i do that?" You ask. Sombra looks at you. 

"Yes. Yes you did." He says. Rog smiles and looks at Zecora. 

"You have found her. Have Grass teach her. We much go but i will let you say your goodbyes." Rog says. Grass shakes her head. 

"We said them already. I will teach her mom." Grass says and hugs Zecora once more before they turn and walk into the green flames. They they turn back into red ones. Grass looks at you and smiles with tears. Sombra then places his hoof on you. 

"I can help. I'm a unicorn. I can..." He starts but there is then a scream. Everyone looks and he sees an elder earth pony but her eyes looks different. He stands. 

"No! No get away!" She screams and runs into a hut. He looks sad. 

"I guess she was one that was from my kingdom." He says. You stand and walk over. 

"Sombra." You say but you then feel your horn light up and magic shoots out and hits the fire, making it grow bigger. 

"I...ummm...sorry?" You ask. Grass laughs a bit and wipes her eyes.

"Make more crystals. We have a lot to do." Grass says.    

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