Chapter 14 - A new beginning

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Once the light stopped, everyone looked to the skies and they saw the two sisters. They were solid stone. They then started to fall. Ponies ran to get out of the way as they fell and soon crashed to the ground, shattering into pieces. It was quiet before you felt the magic from before go to your horn. You felt something come out and the magic leave you but you saw a seed floating to the ground. You grabbed it before it hit and you saw it was a light gray and was shining. 

"A seed?" You asked. Twilight walked up. 

"It's a seed from the tree of harmony. it must have been in one of the elements so it would die." She said before she looked and saw the snow was melted and the fires were gone. She closed her eyes and the moon fell behind Equestia. She then looked at every pony. 

"We need your help!" Twilight shouted. Cheers were heard but you felt magic grab you and pull you back. You look and saw Sombra. His horn was no long on fire and he had his magic back. He also had a smile on his face. 

"Sombra?" You asked but he kissed you. Your eyes went wide but you kissed him back. Twilights speech was lost to you as you got lost into Sombra's kiss. 


"And so Twilight took over as the princess of Equestia." You said to a small unicorn baby who was already sleeping. Her coat was a light blue and had black hair. You smiled and kissed her cheek and walked out of the room. It had been a year now that the two queens were defeated. 

"(y/n). Is Diamond sleeping?" Sombra asked. You gave a nod and kissed him as you walked over. 

"Good. Come on. Twilight wants to talk to us about something." He says and you nod as you wrap your tail with his and walk out. Twilights thrown room was just down the hall. You lived in her castle with Sombra and Diamond by Twilight request. You walk into her thrown room and she smiled. 

"I'm glad your both hear. I have good news." Twilight says and walks over to a map. You both follow her over there and look at the map. 

"Grass says the crystal empire, while burnt and covered in ash, is still standing strong." Twilight says. Sombra's eyes go wide. 

"We need a prince and princess to go and rule it, or should i say a king and Queen?" She said and looked at you and Sombra. 

"I want it to be you two." She said. Sombra shoot his head.

"No..No I will..." He says, panicking but Twilight walks over and places a hoof on his shoulder.

"Sombra. you will be OK. You will not go evil again and i trust you with this." She says. He looks at her and nods. 

"You leave immediately. Get ready and I will teleport you both there." Twilight says, You run and grab Diamond, who's sill sleeping. Sombra walks in and packs a few things before you all head back to Twilight. She nods and says her goodbyes before she teleport's you both there. You look around and see you were on the edge of the kingdom. It's black from ash but nothing is burnt down. All the building were still tall. You both start to walk to the castle. It was quiet but you soon saw doors opening. 

"A-Are you the ones that saved us?" You both hear and look behind you. You both see a few ponies but more and more were walking out. They had coats like crystals. You nod slowly. An elder earth pony walks up to the front. 

"What is he doing here?" He asked. Sombra sighed. 

"Yes, it is I. King Sombra but hear me. I am not like before. I helped save Equestria. I have a queen, a princess." he says. You hold out Diamond you lets out a yawn and opens her eyes. The citizens are quiet. Sombra looks around as more and more ponies come out of their homes. He then places the stuff down on the ground. He then uses his tail and starts to sweep the ground. He sees the ground is still blue. He then sees a broom and one pony starts to help him. He smiles and continues as others walk over and start to help. you smile and put Diamond in her holder and you too start to help clean. 

~One year later.~

Sombra and you are walking around the town, holding tails as you walk. Diamond is running around, playing with her friends and you look at her as you smile.  

"I'm shocked the ponies asked us to do it still." Sombra says. You giggle. He has been saying that ever since a pony asked why we don't allow our coats to be crystals like the others. After that, You, Sombra and Diamond did make the transformation and the crystal heart shone brighter that day. That was just a few months ago. 

"My king! I made you some Crystal Berry pie." A pony say and ran up. Sombra took it and smiled at her.

"My it looks wonderful. Thank you. I will share this with my family tonight." He says. She smiles and bow before she runs off. You smile at that.

"See. Twilight was right." You say and lean on him. He smile and kisses your horn.

"Yes, but I'm happy to have my kingdom back and now i will rule it like it should have been ruled." He says. You look at him and he smiles. 

"With love." he says. You giggle again and Diamond runs over with a smile as some ponies chase her.

"Daddy! Mommy! Help!" She yells and laughs. 

"You can't hide behind the king and queen!" One shouts as Diamond gets on Sombra back. 

"Yeah but I can because I'm on Daddy's back!" Diamond says and the others start to jump by Sombra, trying to tag her hoofs but they can't reach her. You grab the pie with your magic from Sombra's hoof. Diamond laughs more but they floats into the air as Sombra uses his magic on her. 

"Kids, you better tag her." Sombra says. The kids move and tap her hoof. 

"Tag!" They scream and run. Sombra puts her on the ground. 

"Trader!" Diamond yells at Sombra as she runs after them but is laughing. You laugh and watch as Sombra runs also and starts to play with them. You smile and watch, think how much life had changed after Twilight took over. How you and Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire. How you took down the two sisters.

"Perfect." You whispered before its gets carried off by the wind, only to be heard again as Twilight raises the moon in to the sky. Twilight smiles and she hears it and looked at the stars, seeing the constellations of two Alicorn sisters, horns touching and smiling down on Equestria.

"Sleep well, Princesses." Twilight says to the constellations and walks into her bedroom, ready to sleep and visit the dreams of ponies everywhere.  

The End   

The end of the sisters (King Sombra x Reader) | CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now