Chapter 1- we need some help

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Meanwhile, in an unknown peice of land far far away...
Mama binturong: (groans) what is this place!
Ora: that's strange... it looks familiar...
Chuluun: come on Ora, that's because we are close to your home!
Mama binturong: enough! We will find revenge on then eventually! Especially that Bunga!
??: yes, revenge... especially that Bunga... that sounds good.
Makucha: who are you?
Ora: you look a lot like me...
Kenge: I'm Kenge, I'm a monitor lizard. I fought the lion guard and nearly won before. I know a friend that can help you have revenge...
Mama binturong: who is that friend of yours?
Kenge: he's called ushari, an Egyptian cobra. But I heard news that he died in the lava...
Mama binturong: how are we gonna seek advice from him then?
Kenge: oh it's simple... you just need lots of chaos and dust, and a bit of power...
Makucha: tell us all you got.
Back with Kion
Kion: (growls) don't touch any of the animals, I'm warning you!
??: says the weak young king, who is overprotective. (Laughs)
Makucha: enough, duma. Don't torture him, attack him!
The army sprung toward Kion, and all he heard was animals terrifyingly screaming before he saw black.
End of flashback
Rani was pacing around nervously. Was Kion healed, or was he not? Nirmala and Makini has told them to stay out of the tree until they say they can come in.
Nirmala: come in, everyone, he's awake, and he will be fine.
After entering the tree they saw Kion wincing as Makini put leaves on his wounds.
Kion: r-Rani?
Rani: *nuzzles Kion* I'm here Kion. Don't worry.
Bunga: we all are.
Kion: thanks guys... *gets up* are the Animals okay?
Beshte: w-we're sorry, since You were injured we hardly stood a chance against them, and they scored a few animals...
Kion: at least now they're full we know they won't come back for a while...
Fuli: yeah... but for now let's just continue the pa-
??: Fuli! There you are!
Fuli: H-Haraka? How are you even alive?
Haraka: I'll explain later. Come! I need to tell you something...
Fuli: I need to talk to my brother. Be right back!
Rani: okay. Let's continue the patrol.
Back with Fuli
Fuli: so how are you alive? I thought the lions attacked to claim leadership of our kingdom and I ran away?
Haraka: simple. I ran too. But I came back, and found out mum won! And I need to talk to you. I came because you have to go back. You're next in line for the throne! You could have to become the queen of the speedlands any time!
Fuli: I can't. I've made lots of friends here, and I can't leave them. I'm also part of the night pride. I have to defend this place!
Haraka: first, cheetahs don't have friends. Second, what in the world is the night pride?
Fuli: first, I HAVE friends. Second, you don't want to know what the night pride is. And I'm just glad you're fine. See you later! Huwezi! *runs off*
Haraka: oh well, better go back. Kula mavumbi yangu! *runs off too*
That's "eat my dust" in Swahili.
Back at the patrol
Fuli: I'm back.
Kion: so what did your brother say?
Fuli: I...don't want to tell you.
Kion: it's ok Fuli, you can tell me.
Fuli: okay... but let's talk alone.
Kion: alright.
At a quiet place
Fuli: okay... my brother told me to return to my homeland cause I'm next in line for the throne and I could become queen any time... I told him I won't go back cause I couldn't leave my friends and needed to defend the tree of life, but the real reason I didn't want to come back is because I think I can't be queen... I'll never be a better queen than my mother...
Kion: Rani was worried she couldn't be queen too... and now she's a great queen! I'm sure you will be too *friendlily nuzzles fuli*
Fuli: I hope so. *nuzzles Kion back*
They went back to the night pride
Rani: (thinking) there getting a bit too close for my comfort...
Some time later, with the army
Kenge: So here we go... (stirs up dust)
Chuluun: we need power. How are we gonna do that?
Makucha: oh I think I know. *roars as hard as he can*
Ushari: *appears* hello. *disappears* aah!
Kenge: there's more. we're also gonna need a swipe from a powerful person.
Mama binturong: I know... Kion!
Makucha: great idea!
BAck at the tree

Bunga:  cmon your majesties, there's gotta be something right, the patrol ended, but i'm bored!

kion: *laughs* okay. let's run a stealth surround drill.

Bunga: ooh, yeah, now we're talking!

okay, you know it. wait till i'm outta sight, then sneak up on me. *runs off*

fuli: sure! *hides in the grass*

fuli: sure! *hides in the grass*

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after the drill

kion: well done everyone.

to be continued...

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