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| Early September |

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| Early September |

LILLY has been traveling by herself for the past few days. She notified Chiron as a precaution, in case anyone came to him with concern about her absence.

This time around, Apollo was the one who wasn't able to see her. He has been very busy these last few days, but he promised to see her when he had the chance.

"I'll find you," he promised her the night before, cupping her cheek softly. "Wherever you are."

A small blush graced her face at the memory. She managed a weak smile to her three new friends. They're her travel companions as she toured Los Angeles, California.

They go by the nicknames of Portia, Alex, and Jolene.

The four of them have been everywhere in the city. They've dined at fancy restaurants, they've been to Universal Studios, the beaches, Hollywood Walk of Fame, and Disney land. currently at Disney land. Touristy things she didn't have the luxury of while growing up. She "paid" for the four of them. When in reality, she just tricked the salesman in charge of the wristbands and day passes by making him believe she paid with cash.

They just got off Splash Mountain. They've been on most of the rides, now it was time for dinner. The sky created an eerie mix of purple and orange, the clouds crossing the skies in thin streaks, appearing like brushstrokes of an artist. The sun was beginning to settle down- well, not the sun, but Apollo's chariot. She has a minor understanding that the sun is Apollo's chariot but it hurt her brain to think of it too deeply.

She stopped in front of a vending machine, ordering a snickers bar. She caught the reflection of a brown haired twenty-two year old man with the physique of a blacksmith: Jake Harworth--her dead ex-boyfriend standing behind her. She spun around quickly, but only saw an empty space. She took a deep breath, I'm scaring myself, she thought, reaching to retrieve her Snickers bar.

Her hands trembled in front of her. Jake couldn't possibly be around.

Alex capped her water bottle, wiping her mouth of excess water. "Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost."

Ha, a ghost, she thought bitterly.

"I guess you could say that." Lilly chuckled, sounding slightly sinister. She and Alex met up with the two other girls.

She looked to her left, seeing a handsome, broad-shouldered man, walking in her groups direction. He wore a sleeveless jersey, it said Lakers on the front with the basketball team logo. The Lakers are California's basketball team, and the team colors are purple and yellow, but that's as much as she knew. She wasn't as familiar with mortal sports.

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