⚊chapter 1⚊

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"Woah, I want all of them!" A little orange-haired boy exclaimed as he excitedly pointed at the variety of ice cream flavors.

"Yeah! Can't we spend the money on these?" Another girl, the same age as the boy asked as she glanced at her older sister who was scanning through all the different Apples. Looking for the freshest ones to buy.

"No. Mom sent us to buy apples for the Apple pie and she said it's going to rain soon so ice cream isn't good to eat." She said as she glanced at the twins.

They weren't identical twins, m/n's features were more baby-ish than Hana's. As if he was younger than her which he wasn't.

The two were six years old.

With a scoff, Hana pounted as she crossed her arms. "You can be very boring you know?" She said only for the other to stick a tongue out at her.

Fighting between the two girls was common, always ending with m/n scolding them.

"Alright, alright! Buy the apples. I don't want you two to fight inside the supermarket. Dad is going to be angry if he sees you two fighting." He spoke as he pointed at the supermarket's glass window.

The two girls would glance in the direction he was pointing at only to find a man with his hood covering his eye's wave at them.

His sickening grin visible, showing his uneven, unkempt teeth.

"That's not dad..." Yuna would whisper as she held the two by their wrists and dragged them to another aisle, away from the window where the very frightening man stood.

Taking a glance over his shoulder m/n would see one eye, the other being closed as a scar covered it.

Creeped out he'd turn away as fast as he could.

Silence took over the three but was soon wiped away when they passed by the sweets aisle.


"That'll be ₩40" the lady spoke as she packed the apples and sugar away.

As Yuna got the money out, trying not to let anyone see how much they had, the store clerk glanced at the smaller boy as he rested his head in his crossed arms on the counter, looking at the can filled with sweets.

Smiling she'd attempt to caress his soft orange hair, only for m/n to jump back before she touched a strand of his hair.

"O-oh, sorry." The lady spoke as she retracted her hand.

"I didn't mean any harm." She spoke only getting a nod from the boy as he looked down at his shoes, fiddling with the hem of his purple sweater.

"You like sweets?" She'd ask as she pointed at the glass of sweets next to her.

Getting a slow nod from the boy as he kept his gaze on the glass the lady giggled as she took out three sweets.

"Mom said we shouldn't take sweets from.." Hana whisper-yelled as she tried to fight the urge to accept them.

She was a kid too after all.

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