⚊chapter 2⚊

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"I think he's lost.." He spoke as he pushed up his glasses to the bridge of his nose.

He had grayish-black hair, and just like the man had the same glasses.

"You're right seon...come with us." The man said smiling as he opened his arms apart for the shivering boy.

He didn't budge though.

"I-i'm Shira jin. What's your name?" He asked, trying to make the frightened boy feel calmer.

"M-m/n..." He whispered out as he clutched on his candy.

He wasn't going to let them take them. It was for his sisters after all.

Noticing this the older male sighed as he also bent down, umbrella lowering along with him. "And I'm seon jin. You can call me seon."

M/n seemed to be more comfortable with socializing with the boy in front of him.

He was just two years older than m/n.

"N-nice to meet y-you s-seon" he stuttered out, the cold taking effect on his sentences.

"Why don't you come with us?" Seon asked as he extended a hand to the boy.



The car drove on the wet road as Mr.jin kept a light conversation going with seon, continuously attempting to include the orange head but getting shy kids in return.

"Here.." seon spoke as he slipped off his jacket.

"You're going to catch a cold if you walk around with that sweater any longer." He said getting a smile from the other.

"Y-you're right s-seon..thank you" m/n smiled as he let seon help him slip his wet sweater off and replace it with the jacket.

Mr.Jin would groan as he glanced at the boys from his rearview mirror. "How are you so good with kids!?" He joked as he set his eyes back on the road.

"I don't know..." the other blushed. He had been good with kids even though he was just eight years old.

That was really surprising for many of Mr.jin's friends as he sometimes let their smaller kids stay in the house when going to work.

But that rarely happened anymore since seon started school again.

The drive was quite long since they lived right across town and traffic was terrible due to the rain.

"We'll try to reunite you with your family when the rain settles down tomorrow. In the meantime, you'll stay with us!" Mr.Jin energetically spoke as he opened his door wide.

It was quite warm and cozy. M/n wasn't going to be picky, he was almost homeless about two hours ago.

"Thanks, Mr.jin.." m/n said smiling up at the guy, who smiled back.


"Perfect.." M/n whispered as he placed the last piece of food in the bento.

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