⚊chapter 5⚊

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"Where is m/n.." seon asked himself as he scanned the class.

Everyone was talking to their friends but m/n was nowhere in sight. Even his trouble stinking buddies.

Seon jin, after some time found out he told them off for messing with his brother and was quick to replace them.

He found it interesting how m/n could make friends with such ease. Unlike him, he could fit into different types of environments with ease.

But he didn't want friends right now. He was too focused on his studies and yul.

"Yo, seon jin!" A voice called out as a hand slammed on his desk, taking him out of his thoughts.

"Can he be any louder?" a student asked her friend as basically everyone in the class now had their eyes on the two.

"Are you scared of dogs?" Eunhwan asked, wanting to embarrass him in front of the class.

"Yes. Why?" The other asked making eunhwan mentally facepalm.

'Why's he so calm? He's so annoying'

"You're all grown up now and you're afraid of dogs?" He'd press on the situation further. "I saw you screaming and running yesterday" he smirked, thinking he had succeeded.

"So? What does that have to do with you?" Seon asked, as he was starting to get annoyed, but didn't bother to show any signs of annoyance.

"What'd you say?" The standing boy seethed in anger as he glared down at the boy.

"I said why does it matter to you, whether I'm scared of dogs or not? Shouldn't you be embarrassed about making fun of other people's problems?" Seon retorted making eunhwan cover his eyes with one hand as he let out a light laugh.

"Maybe I've been a bit too soft on you. You think I'm a joke, huh?"

'There's no need for a reason.'

He'd start to uncover his eyes.
"Why does it matter to you? You say.."

'If you don't like someone..'

He'd grab seon by the color as he yelled
"I just don't like you fucker!"

'You can just beat them up'

He'd smirk as he kicked seon, making him hit his back on a table with a big thud.

"You have a talent for pissing me off" he smirked as he started stomping on seon's leg, kicking him all over as he ignored all the gasps and grunts from the boy.

"What's gotten to him!? Is he nuts!?" The girl from his group asked as she watched him beat up her crush.

"He goes crazy like that sometimes" one of his other friends sighed.

"He's at it again.."

"Shouldn't we stop him!? What did seon ever do!?" She yelled as she walked closer, but her arm would be gripped before she even reached him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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