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Kirishima and Sero laugh hard when they saw Bakugo new hair style while you only stare at the explosion boy.

"Stop laughting.My hair's gotten used to it,so it won't go back even after I wash it!Hey,stop laughing!!!"

"You look like goody two shoes right now"Your sadist remark makes Kirishima and Sero laugh more hard.

"I am going to kill you!!"

"I'd like to see you try,Side-part boy!"
Sero comments.

"What did you say!?"Bakugo hair went back to normal."It's back"Sero pointed at his hair and continues to laugh with Kirishima.

"Wow,you even got fight with villains?"

"I just helped people evacuate and did support"Jiro explain as she play with her right ear.

"It still amazing,though!"

"All I did was training and go on partrols,too.There was one time when we caught smugglers from a neighboring country"

"Isn't the crazy?!"Jiro and Mina said in sync.

"Uraraka San.Look scary"You hide behind Mina.

"The one that changes were you three,right?"Everyone look at Todoroki,Midoriya and lida.

"Oh.The Hero Killer!"

"I'm glad you guys made it out alive!Seriously"

"You should worry about your life when Bakugo is going to kill you both"You muttered while looking at them.

"I was worried"

"I heard Endeavor saved you,right?''Sato joins.

"Amazing.As expected from the number two hero!"Hagakure joins in.

"Yeah.He save us"Todoroki clutch his right hand without knowing.

You noticed about that but didn't say nothing.

They a talk about Hero Killer and the video.You lay on the desk.You kill the demons without sleeping yesterday and you are tired right now.


"Okay.I am here Anyway,we'll start now Right.It's hero basic training.Long time no see.How have you been?For this time's hero basic training...since you've all just gotten back from your internships,we'll have some fun with a rescue training race!"

All Might explained about what will they do at the training.You look at the sky.

"What was that shape of cloud again?"Yep.Muichiro habits got you.

"The hostage are me and Y/N!"That make you snap out of your thought.

"It's fine for me..I am tired anyways"Others look at you.

"Aren't you always tired!?"

"Of course,you'll have to keep damage to buildings to a minimum"All Might pointed to Bakugo with a pose.

"Don't points at me"Bakugo look at the other way.

First group are Midoriya,lida,Ojiro,Sero and Mina.Others was worried about lida injury.

The all watch five of them warm up a bit.

"Okay,here we go!Start!"A horn was heard.Sero use his quirk on one of the pipes.

Other four run to where All Might and you was.

"Hey,isn't this place a little too perfect for me?"Sero cheers a bit.

A light green lighting past him.There Midoriya taking the first place.

"It's too perfect...for the training I did!!"He whispered.

The Rage Piller (BNHA x child reader x Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now