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In the principal office a man with his twenties with both of his twin daughters beside him drinking tea with Nezu.

"My apologies for Y/N past"Nezu look at Kagaya.Kagaya sadly smile at Nezu."No I am apologize.I give Y/N three days to rest since she need to cool herself"Nezu agree Kagaya.

If others saw what his past,he will be angry."But I think Y/N is not mad"This make Nezu surprise a little bit.

Kagaya chuckles a bit."Y/N,My swordsman is strong.Both emotionally and mentally"Kagaya comfort the principal.

"I just hope she is fine"Nezu whispered in worry.It's been two days since you didn't come to school after that accident.Nezu worriedly look at the sun set.

In Other Side

"That damn handy child man..."Dabi kick the trush.The turquoise eyes man look at dried Westeria bag that small enough for him to keep at one of his pockets.

"What happened to that kid?"Dabi thought as he step on something soft.

He look down and saw H/C-ette child.Blood was cover her figure that makes Dabi panic for the first time.

Without thinking Dabi carried you to the hideout while carrying your katana.

A slam was heard and all villains look at the black hair man.

"WHO IS SHE!?SHE IS SO CUTE!!!"Toga squealing a bit as she poke your cheek.

"Why did you take her to hideout?"Shigaraki ask Dabi as he scrach his neck.

"Calm down,Shigaraki Tomura.She have blood all over her"."And she carried a real katana!"Twice and Spinner look at your katana.

"Tomura..Can you tell me her apprentice?"The screen with the teacher of Shigaraki ask him.

"She is eight years old kid with H/C with her uniform that write destory behind.."Shigaraki told All for One
"...And in her katana write with bad,Demon,destory"Korogiri add while carry your unshaded katana.

"Treat her with respect"All For One immediately order them."May I ask why should we treat her?"Shigaraki scrach his neck furiously as he look at you.

"She's demon slayer and she save me three years ago.Remember that I told you someone save me,Tomura"Others look at you with unbelif.

"That kid?"

"She save me once too"Dabi add.That make other Villains look at the eight years old child.

"You all are noisy"The eight years old girl open her eyes showing her dull E/C.

"Aren't you hurt!?"

"Beautiful blood is cover you!"

"It's a demons blood.I am tired so I slept on the floor"Others anime fall.

"But thanks for worrying me"You continues."What is your name!?My name is Toga Himiko!!"





"Y/N L/N"You look at the blue hair man."Shigaraki Tomura"You only nod.

"Thanks for carrying me Dabi San"Dabi surprised a little bit but he didn't show."Can I have my katana back?"You look at Kurogiri.He nod and hand your sword to him.

"Y/N L/N.Nice to meet you"You look at the T.V screen."I kinda remember your voice"That make All for One chuckles a bit.

"You save me three years ago"


"Sensei.What is demon?"Shigaraki ask in curiosity."Demon is a creature that eat humans.The more they eat the stronger they become.They are more worst then villains.Their weakness is sunlight, Westeria and a special sword that the demon slayer carry"All for One explains.

"Just like he said"You look at the bar."Then demon slayer?"Kurogiri joins.

"Demon Slayer Corps is an organization that has existed since in ancient times, deticating it's existence
to protecting humanity from demons even their lost their lives.They are only that I respect from bottom of my heart"You listen quietly as you drink milk shake that Kurogiri made for you.

"That kid!"Twice pointed at you while you bluntly look at them while drinking.

"Don't underestimate her.Even with her age.She is one of the highest rank swordsman"All for One defense you.

"And there's a rumor about her...."That make others interested.

"The Rage Hashira that hunt that man and 12 demon moons alone"

"You know very well Mister"You look at the T.V."Well if I say honestly I admire you"

You hum in thought."I should go to work"You land on the ground gently.

"Searching for that man?"You only nod for answer."I make one mistake from killing him this time I will not hesitate"You replied.

"Good luck"The the screen turn black."What do you want to ask?"You look at others surrounding you.

"Why can't I kill the demons with my quirk?"Dabi ask you."Quirks are useless against the demons.You guys are quirkless in front of him.We use one teachnique to kill the demons.I can't tell further for reasons".

"I think I like you"Shigaraki pointed at you."Why don't you join League of Villains?"You shake your head.

"Are you side with Heroes?"You shake again."I am not on both of Heroes and Villains side.I am a member of Kisatsutai"You answered.

"I should go right now"

"I will help you"Dabi said to you.Toga give you a lolipop because you being cute.

You walk beside Dabi."Don't your parents worried about you"Dabi cut the silent.(Bad Mistake).

"They won't because they are already dead in front of me when I was five years old"That make the turquoise eyes man shut up."Sorry".

"Why are you apologizing?It isn't you fault"You tilted your head.

"Don't you feel sad about that?"

"For certain moments,I can't feel any emotions when my sister head was cut of in front of me"

Dabi stop while you still walking.Her sister head cut in front of her?Dabi gag at the thought of it.

"Anyways.I think I have a feel a little bit of emotions''Dabi pat your head.

"That's good for you"

The Rage Piller (BNHA x child reader x Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now