Chapter 4

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When Seleikha walked into the house, Potiphera was sitting talking to Horus, who had not gone home yet. She sat down and when asked by the men what had transpired, she related briefly her talk with Dinah.
Upon completion, Potiphera asked to see the locket. Horus sprang up and with politeness took the locket from Seleikha with the intention of giving it to Potiphera, but glancing down at the open locket, he stopped with amazement on his face and exclaimed, "l can't believe it, it can't be...."
Potiphera and his wife inquired simultaneously. "Horus, what is it?
Horus, still quite bewildered, replied, "Remember I said the stars aligned when Dinah arrived, and formed a symbol, which we knew not what it meant.....well the symbol in the locket is the same!"

The next few days saw the Potiphera household in complete turmoil. Arrangements were made for the official adoption of the Jewish child and a spare room was transformed into a nursery. Lemah helped where she was needed, but only too glad, when there was a gap, to be relieved of any duties by the now doting, filiated mother to be. In fact she found it quite difficult to concentrate on the excitement leading up to the birth of a baby, when deep inside her, her own excitement wanted to break out and erupt with exceeding joy. The busy household didn't notice how her face lit up when Horus came to visit, and the stolen glances that were exchanged between them.

Even though her attention was divided, it was Lemah who had the privilege of announcing the arrival of a, perfectly healthy, baby girl, the day Asenath was born.
When Dinah's time had come, Seleikha had summoned a midwife to be in attendance during delivery. At the time of birth, Lemah and the midwife were the only ones present, as Seleikha had opted not to witness the event, preferring to act more like a father and wait outside the room, receiving the little one only after it had been wiped clean and wrapped in some swaddling cloths.
The minute Lemah had announced it was a girl, Seleikha named the child Asenath. She later admitted she never even thought of a boy's name as she was so convinced it was going to be a girl.

Seleikha arranged a large, grand party to celebrate the birth of her daughter. When the evening arrived, even though Dinah was not barred from the proceedings, it was clear that her role as merely the wetnurse had begun. Dinah had agreed to the conditions of the adoption, but that didn't prevent her from crying herself to sleep the night of the party. The reality of giving up a living being that you had carried in your womb for nine months, remained a bitter pill to swallow.

Seleikha blossomed under her adopted motherhood.  From the moment the midwife placed the baby in her arms, her mind, her body, in fact her whole being underwent a full metamorphosis.  Except for not feeding the child, she was the mother. 

Lemah quietly slipped into Dinah's room.  She thought Dinah was asleep, lying on her bed, eyes closed.  When the door closed, however, Dinah, turned her head, opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of her friend.
Lemah said "Sorry, are you up to a look tried."
Dinah replied,"l'm fine, just finished feeding miss 'feed-a-lot' and feeling a bit drained, literally and figuratively. You'd think one would get used to it after three months."
Lemah was genuinely surprised,"l can't believe how time has flown!" she said and then continued, "l have some exciting news and I wanted you to be the first to hear it. In fact I want to ask your permission."
Dinah replied,"Goodness, this sounds mysterious, whatever do you need my permission for?"
Lemah excitedly stammered on,"Guess what
...Horus has asked for my hand in marriage!
I know you treat me like a friend, but strictly speaking, I am your maidservant, so I thought I'd better seek your permission."
Dinah couldn't contain her surprise, "Oh Lemah! You little sneek! I knew something serious was going on between the two of you, but this is a surprise. Furthermore, you don't have to ask my permission, you stopped being my maidservant ages ago. I'm so happy for you, but I must admit, a little sad that I must travel back to Canaan all by myself. But first things first, when is the big day?"
Lemah, swaying from side to side with her hands behind her back, coyly answered, "In just over a month's time. It will coinside with a festival celebrating Bastet, one of the Egyptian gods, of amongst other things....fertility no less! "
Dinah laughed and said, "I hope Horus isn't using the festival as a hint to start a family real soon!" Her expression suddenly getting serious, she continued, "Oh Lemah, please tell me you will not forsake your one true God for all these funny idols that the Egyptians worship?"
Lemah confidently replied, "Let not your heart be troubled my friend. We have discussed the matter and Horus has no objection to me worshipping my God." and with a sly smile she added, "Horus is an Astrologer, he studies the stars. The stars my God created. So I have complete faith that he will discover the real God through the very celestial formations he claims will show him the secrets of the universe."
Lemah got up to leave but suddenly exclaimed, "Oh yes, I nearly forgot.  My dear generous husband-to-be has planned everything for your return.  We will accompany you and be travelling in one of his carriages which is equipped for long distances. We will join one of the merchant caravans for safety and protection.  There is just one little arrangement which I insisted upon.  When we are within one day's walking distance from your father's house, we will ask someone going that way to take you further.  I am fearful that if your brothers see me,  they will say something derogatory about me, or refer to my servanthood.  My Horus will want to defend me, but I am afraid he is no match for your ruthless brothers.   He may just land up like your Shechemite prince."
Dinah gave a weak smile but shuddered as she remembered that part of her life, she would dearly like to forget.  Lemah's inquiry as to whether the arrangements met with her approval, brought her thoughts back to the present.  "Yes, thanks so much, but it sounds like a lot of trouble " Dinah replied.
"No trouble at all.  Horus and I are going to treat the trip as a delayed honeymoon.  I must be going now, see you soon." Lemah greeted as she left the room.

One year after Asenath was born, she was weaned off breastfeeding and one week later Dinah left for her father's house. 
Lemah and Horus, now happily married and true to their word, were accompanying her on her journey home.

Seleikha stood at the door,  Asenath in her one arm and waving goodbye with the other.  It was going to feel strange with the big house so empty again.  Looking down at her adopted daughter, she knew that the house might be empty but her life was going to be full.

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