Chapter 8

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On the eighth morning, with the sun streaming into room, and little birds chirping and preening themselves on the windowsill, Asenath stirred, and tried to stand. She was so weak, her legs wouldn't support her body. Falling back on the floor, all she could manage was to crawl to, and prop herself up against the wall. She chose the spot opposite the window where the sun was steaming in. The warmth of the sun and her delirious state, not having eaten or drunk anything for seven days, sent Asenath into a trance-like state. Her mind started playing tricks on her. She saw blurry images of her virgin companions, standing with cross looking faces, waving and pointing fingers at her. They all spoke together but each scolding her for something different. "Why don't you open the door ", "Why don't you eat", "Come out and wash", "You must change your clothes", "We are going to tell your mother", "Why don't you answer...she must be dead"

Images of her mother and father floated in and out of her consciousness. Her father was screaming, "Why did you break all the images of the gods, what am I going to tell the priests at the temple?" Her mother was crying and shaking her head, "Asenath is no daughter of ours, she has disrespected the gods!"

Images of family and friends came flying at her. Thinking they were real, she raised her hand to shield her face but still heard their voices saying that she was mad and that her parents should send her away.

She saw the broken pieces of the god-like idols miraculously come together and all of them, with hideous smiles on their faces, laughed at her....louder and louder. Suddenly it was she, Asenath, that burst into a thousand pieces.

Asenath wanted to cry at the sight of herself, broken and scattered, but she had no more tears to shed. A bright light appeared and hovered over the pieces that once was her body. She looked closely....the light was actually coming from a person who's skin and hair and garment, all glowed like the sun. The person was slowly picking up the pieces, picking up her, and putting them together again.

Soon the pieces were all connected again, she was whole again. The person who had put her together again, stood there with his arms open wide, beckoning for her to come to him.

Asenath opened her eyes. She saw and heard the birds. She felt the warmth of the sun, yet she felt extremely alone. There was only one who could help her now. Clasping her hands and dropping her head, she prayed.

"Oh Lord God of the righteous. I confess my sins. I pour out my petition to You, to you Master will I reveal my lawlessness and ungodliness. I have spoken things I should never have uttered. My mouth has been polluted from the sacrifices of the idols. I have sinned in ignorance. I have worshipped dead and deaf idols. I, the miserable daughter of Potiphera the priest, was proud and haughty and revelled in my father's riches, am now an orphan and desolate and abandoned by men. To You Lord I flee. Hear my cry. Stretch forth Your hands and catch me as a father catches an infant and holds it to his breast.
Deliver me from those that hate me for I have broken their gods in pieces. Have mercy on me for You are a sweet and gentle and good father.
I have put off my royal robes and have discarded my diadem and golden girdle. I have stood before You naked in sackcloth and ashes. No food or water has passed my lips for seven days. My lips are parched, my face has shrunk and my eyes have failed from shedding tears.
Lord my God deliver me from my many ignorances. Forgive me for going astray and saying blasphemous words against my lord Joseph. Let me be his handmaid and bondwoman and minister to him. Let me wash his feet and serve him all the days of my life.

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