Chapter 10

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Asenath gathered her thoughts and started to put her plans into action.  There was such a lot to think about, such a lot to process.  The main thing that kept taking centre stage in her brain was the fact that Joseph would be arriving shortly and everything had to be ready...including herself.

The first item on her list was to rush downstairs and find the overseer of the house.
When she found him, it was he who spoke first, "Hello miss Asenath,, what has happened to you?  I haven't seen you in over a week.  What have you been doing, locked up in your room......Oh! Forgive me, that's none of my business.  I must say young lady that I have never seen you looking so radiant and beautiful, but I ramble can I help you?"
Asenath sighed with relief, finally she could speak.  Not that his words weren't appreciated.
She answered excitedly, "The great and important lord Joseph is coming here this evening.  Please gather up what servants remain and prepare a meal for him.  Please make it special.  I really want to impress him."

Asenath then hurried up the stairs of the tower, two at a time.  When she reached the top, she went directly to her companions room and banged on the door. They cautiously opened the door and peeked out.  Asenath excitedly shouted,  "Come quickly, come help me.  There is only a little time and I must look like a bride to be!  Hurry and help me dress." She turned and ran off to her dressing room, leaving a very confused bunch of virgins behind.  After a lot of  bewildered looks and shrugging of shoulders, they hurried after Asenath.  While they dressed her, they bombarded her with questions, getting more and more excited with every answer.

Asenath was fitting the last few adornments when a young boy came up the stairs.  Hardly able to speak, he announced that Joseph was at the gate.  Asenath, the seven companions and the messanger, rushed down the stairs to the courtyard and lined up awaiting Joseph's arrival.
After greeting everyone, Joseph was led to the dining hall and seated at the head of the table in Potiphera's seat.  Asenath then shooed everyone out the room, and returned to Joseph.  As was customary she prepared to wash his feet.  Joseph when he realised what Asenath was about to do, arose out his chair and stepped back.  "What are you doing?" He said to her.  "I'm going to wash your feet, as is customary."  Asenath countered.  Joseph answered, "Why you? Is it not also customary for the servants to wash the feet of visitors?
Asenath blushed and answered, "I wanted to be alone with you. Is it not a good thing that a bride washes her bridegroom's feet?
Joseph started to argue, then stopped.
The words of the angel that appeared to him, earlier that day, came to him.  He was overjoyed on hearing the news, but didn't expect events to happen so fast.  Suddenly he realised that he hadn't picked up on all the signs. The way Asenath was dressed, the fact that she looked more beautiful than he had ever seen her, the table set for two, the washing of the feet and now the reference to bride and bridegroom. How inconsiderate, how unaware he'd been. Sighing deeply, and feeling very disappointed with himself, he moved towards the beautiful creation. He moved the basin aside with his foot, and took the towel from her hand. Taking hold of her hands, he lifted her from her kneeling position. When she stood tall in front of him, he put his arm around her waist and drew her close to his body. For a moment they were one, feeling the excitement of being close to someone you love. Joseph put his hand under her chin and lifting her head he kissed her. In that moment, all the suffering of the past week was truly forgotten and Asenath, for the first time in her life, felt complete, gloriously happy and eager to start her new life with the one she loved.

Joseph held her tight for a long while until the loud rumbling of his stomach brought them both out of their revelry.  Asenath spoke first,
"Forgive me my love, you have travelled far and are in need of sustenance, as your body now proclaims. Come sit and eat. We will fulfill the yearnings of our love, another time, after we are married."
She broke their embrace and went to the kitchen to summon the servants to bring the food. They ate in silence. Their eyes saying all that they felt for each other as they gazed fondly into each other's eyes. When they were not being used for cutting or lifting food, their hands met, and with fingers interlocked, they would squeeze and caress each other's hand.

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