Chapter 9

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Asenath looked out the window at the morning sky. The morning star was just rising. She smiled and in her heart rejoiced, convinced it was a sign that the God Most High had heard her prayer.
An unusually bright light emanated from the heavens. Asenath thought it came from the morning star, but it was coming nearer and nearer. In a blinding flash, that made Asenath cover her eyes and fall on her face, a man stood at the head of the prone girl. "Arise, beloved of the Most High God." Asenath remained face down. "Who are you? The tower is high and the door is locked. How did you get in?"
The man said "Stand, I wish to talk with you."
Asenath stood up and looked upon the stranger, who's face shone like the sun. Again she asked, "Who are you?"
"I am the chief captain of the Lord God Most High, Commander of all the heavenly host."
The terrified expression on Asenath's face prompted the angel to add, "Fear not, do not let your heart be troubled.  The Lord God has heard the words of your confession.  From this day forward you will be renewed, refashioned and requickened."
Asenath couldn't help but feel at ease listening to the soothing, yet commanding voice of this heavenly being.  He continued,  "Go first to your dressing room.  There you will wash yourself with fresh water.  Wash the ashes that have mixed with your tears and caked to your face.  Brush the cinders from your hair.  Dress yourself with a white robe that has not been worn before.  Gird yourself around your waist with a double girdle of virginity.  Put a mantle over your head.  When you have done these things, return to me that I may convey to you the message the Lord Most High has sent you."

Asenath said nothing, but left the room to do as she was commanded.  When she returned, the angel continued,  "Today you will eat the blessed bread of life and drink of the blessed cup of incorruption.  Your name shall  be 'City of Refuge' for nations shall seek refuge and lodge under your wings.  Because you are a virgin and pure, the Lord God has this day given you to Joseph for a bride.  When I am finished here I will speak to Joseph, and tell him he is to be your bridegroom and you his bride forever.  So put on your wedding gown.  Adorn yourself with gold and precious stones.  Make ready to meet him for he will arrive at your door before the day has ended."

Asenath rejoiced in her heart at all the Archangel had said.  She fell at his feet and said to him,  "Blessed is the Lord thy God who sent you to deliver me, and brought me from the darkness of the deep abyss into His wonderful light.  If I have found grace in your sight, my lord, let me thank you for bringing me such wonderful news, stay and have something to eat before you depart.  Sit and I will bring you some food and fetch a bottle of our best wine."
The Archangel consented, but said, "Make haste, and bring it quickly."
Asenath placed the table before the angel and was about to go to the storeroom when the heavenly Commander spoke up, "Bring me a honeycomb from your storehouse."
Asenath answered with a sad face, "My Lord, I will have to send someone to see where I can find some for you, for I know we have nothing in our pantry."
The Archangel replied," Look again, make sure you have nothing "
Feeling a bit frustrated, for she knew they did not have any honeycomb, but nevertheless wanting to be decorous towards her heavenly guest, set off to the pantry once more.
Asenath couldn't believe her eyes. There on the shelf was the most unusual looking honeycomb she had ever seen. Instead of golden, it was pure white in colour.
When she arrived back in the room, the angel said, "I see you have found some honeycomb, yet you said you didn't have any!"
Asenath managed a slight smile and said, "I am convinced that you, Captain of the Most High God, had something to do with the appearance of the honeycomb, for I am weak and frail still from my penitence but in my mind I know there was no honeycomb in the storehouse."
Michael, for that was the Archangel's name, smiled back at her and said, "You are shrewd, beloved of the Lord God, and it pleases me to know that you possess such discernment and awareness. Take now and eat with me."

Michael broke off a piece of the honeycomb and put it in his mouth.  The honeycomb was pure white.  He said "This honey is the food of angels and God's elect and the sons of the Most High.  It is the spirit of life,  made by the bees of Eden from the dew of the roses of life and every flower that grows in paradise."
He then broke off another piece and placed it on Asenath's lips.  Incited by this action, thousands of bees arose from the honeycomb and swarmed around Asenath's head and settled on her face, and continued to build a new comb.  The bees were white as snow, with wings of purple and scarlet.  Huge stings protruded from their bodies, but they did not harm Asenath.  For a long time Asenath stood quite still, both petrified and amazed at what was happening.  Michael saw that Asenath, in her weakened state, was struggling to support the honeycomb that was rapidly increasing in size.  He stretched forth his hand and commanded the bees to depart and return to their place.  The bees flew away as if to heaven.  Some, however, would not go and grew aggressive, intending to sting Asenath.
Again Michael stretched forth his hand and the remaining bees fell as dead to the floor.  He touched the honeycomb on Asenath's face and it burst into flames.  As it burnt,  it gave off a sweet smelling aroma.  The smell of which compared to an expensive perfume.  The comb was consumed by the fire but Asenath's face was not burnt.
Michael pitied the bees on the floor.  He stretched forth his hand and they were revived.   He spoke to the bees and said.  "Because you disobeyed me, you shall not return to Eden.  You will not be white as snow anymore.  You will be the colour of the bees of the earth.  Go now into the court outside and settle there.  The bees flew outside and settled in a fruit tree and started to build their hive.

Asenath, who had swallowed the honey placed in her mouth, immediately felt different.  She didn't feel tired or weak anymore.  Someone looking at her would notice that the sagging skin of her face had been replaced with skin radiating health with beautiful colour.  The most noticeable change was that, as beautiful as she was before, she was now doubly so.  Looking more like an angel than human.

The Archangel addressed Asenath,  "The words I have spoken today will come true.   Now take away this table."
Asenath picked up the table and placed it near the door.  When she turned around, the angel had gone.

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