Chapter 1: New Staff

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Chapter 1: New Staff


A new year was approaching the students and staff of UA high school, leading to another staff meeting and an introduction to the two new teachers this year. 

Aizawa hated these meetings and rarely saw the point of them. He didn't really care all that much as to who his coworkers were. The sessions instead proved to simply cut into his nap times. A true annoyance. 

"So, before we get too far into discussions for this upcoming year, I would like to introduce our two new teachers, Miss Amaya Todoroki and All Might!" Principal Nezu introduced the two, both of whom bowed and took a seat. "Miss Amaya will be teaching Quirkless Combat while All Might will be taking on a role as a training aid, please welcome them into our staff!" 

There were a few claps, none of which were from Shota Aizawa, who really just wanted to go to bed. 

Still, Amaya had caught his interest, if only for her name. He had never heard of her from the many interviews Endeavor had done over the years. In fact, Shota was positive that Endeavor never spoke about this girl. He had always spoken of his four other children, even though this girl seemed to be his eldest. 

Whatever Enji's reasoning was, it certainly wasn't for her lack of beauty. She had long white hair with a single strand of her father's bright red framing the left side of her face. She was a traditional beauty all around. Her father's reasoning also couldn't have been for lack of skill, talent, or intelligence; otherwise, she wouldn't be here. It left Shota with quite the vexing mystery that he desperately wanted to solve. 

Shota found that the introduction of the two new staff members was the only exciting thing that the staff meeting had, the rest of the information was going over which teachers would be getting a new homeroom class, Aizawa being one of them. 

After that, the teachers were dismissed back to their own classes to do work, or in Shota's case, nap. 


Once Amaya was out of the staff meeting and back in her own classroom, she sighed and leaned against the door. She had never done well when faced with other adults. That's why Amaya took the job when Nezu offered it. Along with mainly dealing with children, Amaya had the added delight of rubbing it in her father's face just how successful she had become, despite her situations. 

After all, one doesn't climb as high as she did through the hero ranks for nothing. 

Amaya grinned at her small victory and got her lesson plans put together for the first week of school, before going over the class roster. 

She stopped at one name in particular in shock. She, of course, knew that her little brother would attend UA, but she didn't expect that her father would let him take her class. Then again, she was only hired two months ago, Shoto would have already signed up for the class by then. Either way, Amaya had mixed feelings on the topic. Of course, she wanted to see her little brother again, but on the other hand, it had been years since she left home. Shoto may not want to see her. Also, she couldn't ignore the fact that by teaching Shoto, she would put herself directly into Enji's line of fire again. Sighing, Amaya shook her head; she would just have to get over it. 

There was a light knock on Amaya's door, causing her to stand and open it to reveal Principal Nezu smiling at her. "Hello Amaya, how are you settling in?" He asked as she let him into the class and shut the door behind him. 

"Fine, did you know?" 

"That your brother will be taking your class? Yes, I did. Is that going to be a problem?" Nezu asked curiously.

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