Chapter 7: Boil Over

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Chapter 7: Boil Over


Shota Aizawa had become used to Amaya's constant presence in his apartment. He was being healed slowly by Recovery Girl, the process taking weeks, leaving him fairly dependent on Amaya for help. And she was an incredible help. Dinner was always good, she kept up on the cleaning, and drove him places. Of course, Shota felt bad for making her do all of those things but the woman had made it abundantly clear that there was no way he would get her to leave. With that in mind, the man learned to accept it. 

Besides, both of them had more pressing issues to think about over the past few weeks, like getting their students ready for the festival. On the morning of the festival, Amaya was beside herself, completely high strung as she fixed them some breakfast and rushed around in her newly repaired white hero suit. This would be the first time that she would be seen in public as Huntress since the USJ incident, she was determined to show that she was strong. 

"I don't understand why you're so afraid, after the interview the public has fallen back in love with you. I'm pretty sure you and All Might are neck and neck for screen time at this point. Once the official statement came out of you putting your life on the line for Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta along with everything else you did, the public has loved you even more." Aizawa commented as he watched Amaya eat her food nervously. 

Glancing up, Amaya sighed, "I know. I'm not really doing this for them." 

"Then why are you so concerned?" 

A dark look crossed over Amaya's face, shocking Aizawa who had never seen such intensity from the woman outside of the USJ, "My dad will be there. I haven't seen him in seven years and I can't be weak around him." 

That was one thing Aizawa didn't really have a clear understanding of. Amaya's family drama seemed deep-seated. He of course had heard about her mother being hospitalized for pouring scalding hot water on Shoto and he had heard about the second oldest Todoroki child dying shortly after. What he wasn't sure about was why there seemed to be such a rivalry between Amaya and her father. Or more accurately, between all of the children and Endeavor. It left him wondering what the man did to deserve that much hatred. 

Sighing, Aizawa set his chopsticks down and looked at Amaya, "You don't need to prove anything to him. It's your life." 

"Old habits die hard I guess." 

Amaya's problem was all that Shota thought about on the drive to school. It consumed him because it didn't make sense. Where things didn't add up was that even though Amaya didn't have as powerful of a quirk as Shoto, the obvious golden child, she still made a name for herself as a hero. People loved her, villains feared her, she was the epitome of powerful but was still concerned that her father wouldn't think she was strong? It didn't add up. Her father was known to chase the titles, a big supporter of powerful quirks, so much so that he has publically weighed in on his position that people with quirks were stronger than those without. 

He had to understand the power behind a subtle quirk, so why would he view Amaya as weak? Was it that she was holding on to past emotional trauma from her childhood or was it something else? 

When they arrived on campus, Amaya and Shota went in separate directions. She was to be the resident teacher in the Top Ten box with Thirteen, where UA seated the heroes that got invited from their ranking. Her job was to ensure that the box was set up before the heroes arrived on the scene, ensuring that everything went smoothly. Then, she would be sitting with them as a host of sorts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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